NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSwindows dns serverWindows server

How to create an Active Directory domain step by step guide (Windows Server 2022)

Learn how to create a local Active Directory domain. In this example, I go through the process of installing the Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) and Domain Name Services (DNS) roles and features, creating a new forest and domain, and setting the server as the local network DNS server.

View the blog post here:

Hi, I’m Danny, a London based IT consultant and sporadic blogger. You can view all my blog posts at:


by Danny Moran

windows server dns

8 thoughts on “How to create an Active Directory domain step by step guide (Windows Server 2022)

  • please check your audio and speak up.

  • Question. How do i turn a windows client based os to a server ? Do i need to download another os for that ?
    Getting this message Online – Cannot manage a client-based operating system.
    Or do i need to install additional features in my windows 10 pro?

  • Thank you. I was able to start it and work on the DNS as well. I'm somehow having issues adding my workstations into my domain with my domain credentials, I'm noticing no domain is being showing on the bottom part when typing my credentials, any help?

  • the relevant…………….parts)

  • I am working on a home lab and setting up windows server with Active Directory enabled. I have a question in regards to dns, how do I determine which dns to use on my server?

    A little background on my network at home.
    My isp is Xfinity
    I have a ubiquiti UDM router
    I have a ubiquiti pro switch Poe
    I want to keep my UDM as the dhcp server, so do I use that dns address of my isp dns?

  • your videos help out a ton! Do not stop making them!!

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