Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Telnet Configuration in Cisco Packet Tracer

In this tutorial I’ll demonstrate the basic configuration, implementation and uses of Telnet.
Nowadays, nobody uses as remotely administration to their network devices using Telnet due to lack of security. Telnet uses clear text mode for sending and receiving data over the network.
In Cisco Certification it’s important to understand about it.
Let’s start.

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cisco academie

15 thoughts on “Telnet Configuration in Cisco Packet Tracer

  • Hello!
    Thank You for this video. I have a question. What if the computers aren't on the same network? Can we somehow connect them to each other with telnet?

  • really helped me thanks bro!!!!

  • i hate you ,it dose not work
    I hate packet tracer I hate computer networking

  • Hope soon I'll get reply for this..
    I'm waiting sir..

  • I'm not able to see the command whatever u wrote over there for "Save congratulations" at the last, before giving ip to the PC..
    Can you help me sir to tell me what exactly command it is?

  • Good video and well explained. Thank you. Liked and subscribed.

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