openSUSE is worth saving. And I think it's possible.

openSUSE Linux has a long, rich history — coupled with a uniquely valuable feature-set.

Unfortunately, serious mismanagement, a lack of vision, terrible messaging, and (worst of all) a policy of deliberate alienation of half the population… has put openSUSE on a bad road.

Here I (a former openSUSE elected Board Member) cover what, specifically, is going wrong with openSUSE… and how I believe it could be not only fixed, but set on a path towards massive success.

Watch the ad-free, Big-Tech-free version on Locals:


by Bryan Lunduke

linux foundation

25 thoughts on “openSUSE is worth saving. And I think it's possible.

  • Ah fork it! (jk …sort of)
    I will still install Leap where I want a good out of the box KDE setup and DNF[rpm] package management. I just won't be contributing any time or money to such an ignorant intolerant group.

  • Idly wondering if Yast will survive if Lunduke does get a SuSE voice…

  • OpenSuSE, not even talking about politics of it's members, has been really bad at communication as to what OpenSuSE really is. They lack focus, to the point that I've not even thought about them as a distro for years. Unless they fix that, the political issues, that are at this point entrenched, of the distro maintainers are moot. They've been slowly killing themselves for years now.

  • Guess they figured they have too many users.

  • I've been using open suse for a long time… But hearing this is making think to switch distros. Sad. Sad that the group who wants to be "Inclusive" is very "exclusive "

  • Nah, saving openSUSE is not worth it. Just move to Arch. As an added benefit you'll get to say "btw I use Arch."

  • C'mon Bryan, let it go. Come to a real community distro like Arch or Debian if that's what you're looking for. Forget about these corporate distros

  • I started my Linux journey with SuSE 9.0 and later I moved to Arch for the rolling release. When they came out with Tumbleweed, I came back and I do love me some Tumbleweed. I have tried to use the forum, but I just can't put up with some of the forum moderation team.

  • Any link to that official statement by any chance? Even in the wayback machine?

  • Let it die.

    The second you make your software about anything else but your software you easily exclude half of potential users.
    Tbh, I think it's sorta beautiful everyone can use the things I wrote, even if I'd strongly disagree with their views. That's part of putting sth. out there that's really free.

  • so fucking triggered over this
    if opensuse dies, Im off work for a week at least, will be pouring strong alco in me like its the end of the world fr

  • Distros, kernels, OS, shouldn't take political stances either way. What is the point in alienating half the base?

  • Today's Open SUSE, is just a ghost of its former glory.
    It took the way, away from it's user base, straight forward to the MS-IBM "business" road.
    Once a palace, now just a ruin.

    Personally I moved away, but that's just my personal opinion.
    Anyway, I doubt if it's worth saving.

  • dude, I understand your disappointment and frustration because you are too racist 🤷🤷🤷

  • 8:51 yep it is fragmenting itself to death. And each of those variants competes for attention.

  • well, I never used OpenSuse, I guess I will never do then. Happy on KDE Neon.

  • Put the energy into suppprting other distros instead, like Solus

  • You're a journalist, why no sources?

  • There was a time when SuSE was THE platform to run for KDE

  • Which uniquely valuable features? Calling its users and contributors "rotten flesh that needs to be cut out"? Now there's a feature Linux can do without.

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