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How I Passed the CCNA in 25 Days | You Need Your Own Motivation | Get Those Juniper Certs

Jeremy’s IT Lab:
Neil Anderson Udemy Course:
Flash Cards:

By the way guys… I’m not affiliated with any of these guys, and none of these are sponsored links. Not getting any money from this lol. Also want to add that even though I passed in 25 days doesn’t mean you have to. I didn’t mention it in the video, but studying everyday like I did will take it’s toll on you eventually. It did for me, I was about to take a break.



30 thoughts on “How I Passed the CCNA in 25 Days | You Need Your Own Motivation | Get Those Juniper Certs

  • Nice work and attitude! Stay positive people

  • Appreciate your feedback, man. You definitely motivated me. I failed the CCNA exam recently as well. Thank you

  • Love the grind, you went in! Congrats!

  • The New CCNA is not like the older ones… It's all questions – No virtual labs. No emphasis on routing. DO NOT GET FOOLED. The older CCNA exams were harder and had you more prepared in certain ways. Yes, it's a Cert BUT before you go out with a sense of overconfidence -PLEASE- lab up as many scenarios as possible at home on physical gear or virtual and learn to troubleshoot. You will thank yourself especially when you are in your 1st Technical interview. I have seen too many entry level engineers get hit hard when asked about virtual switching, Linux and security and this is all stemming from "Network Engineer 1" or "Entry level" Junior Engineer Position interviews I have heard Engineers talk about.

  • Hi, can I see the CCNA certificate that Cisco gave you. The sheepskin!

  • Passed my CCNA exam on 11/01/2022. Your video was a big inspiration for me to not stop my grind and forge ahead and get through this exam Bruh. It was a BEAST! but I said my sincere Prayers to the Most High GOD and he gave me a sense of peace and calm in the midst of the storm. Keep up the videos and speaking the real.

  • Hi men, i just watched your compleet video. I’m studing for the ccna. I have done the cbt nugget course and im now looking at jeremy it lab course i gonna do the ccna on 28 december. Any tips? Is it correct that you really need a score of 825 starting from 0? If its 100 quastions you only answer 17 questions incorrect or is there a other type of counting?

  • Please what resources did you use to study for the JNCIA?

  • Do I have to sign up for the CCNA at Cisco and pay the 1000 dollars?

  • Wow congrats! You’ve got some crazy work ethic knocking the cert out that quick

  • Im glad you came under my recommendations!

  • Basically do nothing else but study continuously for a extensive time

  • haha, you are great ,you passed the ccna . what have you learned ? computer ? software?

  • Thanks man. Exact same materials I am using currently. Boson + Jeremy it lab + Niel Anderson udemy + Some of David Bombai udemy

  • Great video currently studying A plus I been on and off on IT used to be IT support small company it was part time job and drive 45 min drive I quit this was in 2011 to 2014. Just studying get A plus cert and find entry level it help desk.

  • just wondering bro, do you have a degree or a diploma and did it matter in your interviews

  • What’s up man. You think I can skip A+ and go for Sec and Network and land a job? Or should I just skip all those and get CCNA?

  • Can I do ccnp in 25 days too?

  • I have security + right now, I just passed 1 week ago. It is my only cert I have right now. My goal is to get a job as soon as possible. What other certifications can I aquire to get a job sooner. I am thinking about now studying for the CCNA. what other certs with land me a job?

  • Great update your videos inspire me to grind even harder now. I passed my core 2 and now I have my core 1 scheduled towards the end of the month for A+. I just got my first entry level job in IT not the most ideal offer but something to learn and add to my experience on my resume. My goal is to work towards a system admin career and eventually hit AWS/Azure for cloud.

  • I will review this YouTube channel it’s more motivational each time I watch his videos like this one it helps me it gives me that drive I get frustrated because I don’t get the progress I need bt these keep me going I heading for the Comptia A plus and registering for the cert next week thank you man for this.

  • Congrats on the CCNA cert. Is there a way we can connect? I plan on obtaining that cert soon

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