Should you use another DNS Server?
Taking a look at the importance of using a DNS other than your service providers DNS and touching on the advantages and disadvantages of both.
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by BrenTech
linux dns server
Good video. As for the ad blocking and avoid getting spam over the internet, a powerful ad blocking process (from the DNS or even browser extension) would be sufficient, as well as anti malware, anti spam software on the operating system level. As for the privacy concern with cyber activity, there is absolutely no way to remain quite anonymous while connecting to the internet. Neither VPN nore DNS change would stop authorities to find your cyber identity. Now if you are not doing anything to break the law, there is no reason to hide your identity. There are a few exceptions though, like you like to use IPTV services but your ISP doesn't let you to remain connected (this is the known issue mostly with the U.S.A ISPs) and watching IPTVs isn't considered unlawful activity so you can use a VPN to get what you want. If you live in anyone of the so called Western counties and you are fortunate to have free access to the internet with a very limited censorship, you would not find anyway to remain quite anonymous because authorities always a few steps ahead of you, bottom line.
Thank you.
Thank you sir. forgot to mention each Dns provider offers different protections but other wise you did a bang up job.