CUPS Printer Setup on Ubuntu
I don’t seem to have much luck with configuring printers via the desktop settings option in most Ubuntu based distros and flavors. Adding printers via the CUPS web interface is simple and works well. This short video describes how to add and manage printers in CUPS which are then available to configure via the DE settings.
#cups #printer #ubuntu
Thank you, Ubuntu 20.04 added my laser printer but it would only print the first page. This took care of the problem.
hpliip doesnt work use CUPS as in this video
not working. the printer sets up just fine on my other laptop but not on ubuntu. and the cups local host does nothing either.
Hola, como aumento los ficheros o impresiones almacenados en cups, para que cuando acceda a cups por la web y acceda a "Trabajos" tenga más tiempo o archivos mas antiguos para poder reimprimirlos?
Great video, a question my linux mint is asking me to add this "Idle – File "/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoKM" not available: No such file or directory" I have that restertokm in the drivers folder but how do I install that on my system so this label printer will work? Thanks in advance.
love you man
Thank you so much! This worked for me in Ubuntu 21.10
I have installed ubuntu 20.04 on VMware workstation. I followed your steps but under my printer does not show under "Discovered Network Printers": I also belong to lpadmin group. I wonder if this has anything to do with VMware Workstation I am using. I did not have any issue configuring my printer with ubuntu which is on oracle Virtualbox. Any suggestion is appreciated. By the way, I am trying to add a WiFi-enabled printer.
do u ve a video to enable cups encryption? it s required when trying to print from android
Hello and if i want to use Cups to connect a wifi printer as HP ink?
This might help some of the people who followed you great video, and still may not connecting to a printer, (beside me, as it didn't help me,) Quoting: To scan using the Scan Key Tool, open the following ports in the security/firewall software you use:UDP: 54925 and TCP: 54921
Thank you very much for this video! I'm starting to believe that App Armor is blocking the Printer communications with computer? And I had to Disable my GUFW firewall, because it wouldn't allow me to enter the Ports suggested at Brother manual, but that didn't change any connectivity from computer to printer! I haven't had this much fun since my last root canal! Lol!
tnx sir
Big thanks dude. legendary
We must thank every guy who put effort to show us how to fix such unpopular problems
This worked for me (in Ubuntu 18.04), to restore cupsd.conf and restart cups:
sudo -i
cd /etc/cups
cp cupsd.conf.O cupsd.conf
systemctl restart cups
verify by:
systemctl status cups
I am a lawyer and you know how important printing documents for a lawyer. I recently got a new laptop and installed Ubuntu 20.04. The mental agony I had to undergo to get my printer working can't be expressed in words. Thankfully I followed your instructions and now I can use my printer. Thank you so much for the video . I am very grateful indeed.
How to scan a document through that administration page?