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How to Send Email using PHP | PHPMailer – Tutorial 2023

#suppleinterface #lonica #php #phpmailer
In this video, you will learn how to send an email using PHPMailer with Lonica CSS Framework.

Source Code:

Credit to the music owner of this video:


by Supple Interface

linux smtp server

40 thoughts on “How to Send Email using PHP | PHPMailer – Tutorial 2023

  • I have spent hours. This video was the first to help. The app password was the ticket! And ssl 👌🏻 thanks

  • Thank you. i got output correct. enjoy.. God bless you.

  • Hello how i change "ME" for "Contact from web" of the mail i receive?


  • Or do you know why instead of sending them to the email i wrote it was sent to the email i have as the username?

  • hi do you know how to make the emails be sent to a specific date? for example the user enters the page and he puts a date to the email and the email has to be sent to the date that the user specified.

  • why we need password for the email receiver instead of the email sender

  • i want to upload a file and then sent it to gmail how should i. do plzzzzz help

  • Me sale el sgte error: Error al enviar el correo: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Failed to connect to serverSMTP server error: Failed to connect to server SMTP code: 111 Additional SMTP info: Connection refused

    alguna idea de como solucionar?

  • I am unable to find app password option in google account, please help me out.

  • Thanks man you literally saved my life, I had been struggling with this error for hours (Error: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate). But I have a question, why you changed the port to 465 and the SMTPSecure to ssl. Thank you very much, thumbs up to you

  • I tried it but it's but when I click on send button it's giving me 405 error , please help me , I am looking for the solution from the past 3 days 🙏

  • It worked like a charm. Thank you ver much my boy

  • Thank yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • Please help. after clicking the submit button it only display the email.php

  • I don't have the option "App Passwords" on my google account :/ was it removed?

  • After submitting the form it's showing the email.php code …please help me

  • " Error: Form submission failed and no error message returned from: email.php " anyone can help me what happen?

  • Thank you. It really helps me to understand phpmailer since I have these mail issues while developing.

  • How to fix this error sir?
    -> Uncaught Error: Failed opening required './PHPMailer/src/Exception.php' (include_path='C:xamppphpPEAR') in C:xampphtdocsphpEmailPHPMaileremail.php:5 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:xampphtdocsphpEmailPHPMaileremail.php on line 5

  • in my web page error be like : Uncaught PHPMailerPHPMailerException: SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.

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