Can Ubuntu 12.10 Replace Windows 7

Ubuntu 12.10 (2012) is a very well known and popular linux distro that uses the unity desktop environment. It is completely free with a lot of free open source software including an office suit. Why keep paying for windows 7 when you can get an operating system that grants you freedom? But… Will Ubuntu still let me do my day to day tasks? Let’s see if I can do all the things I usually do with Windows 7 with Ubuntu 12.10 😉

WARNING: This is just a concept episode for the new series which won’t be replacing the “Mum Tries out Series”. I won’t do any more of these long in depth episodes unless people really like this and request more. (Check bottom of video description for more info)

List of Tasks:
1. Find and install a desktop screen recorder.
2. Set the clock to the right time.
3. Get a sticky note program to track the tasks.
4. Transfer photos and videos from an iPhone to the computer.
5. View and edit photos on Ubuntu.
6. Play .mov file using Ubuntu.
7. Create an image file using a drawing program.
8. Take a Screen Shot and save it as an image file.
9. Create a word document with text and pictures.
10. Install a driver for my printer and print a document.
11. Install a NES emulator and run Super Mario Bros 3
12. Run a game made for Microsoft Windows on Ubuntu
13. Download and install steam for Ubuntu and use it to play a game
14. Edit this video ready to be uploaded to Youtube.

Just like my mum was attached to Windows XP (2001) I am attached to Windows 7 (2009). Although Windows 8 (2012) isn’t too bad I dislike the new metro appearance and control method using a mouse and keyboard on a desktop pc. I am fine however with Windows 8 on a tablet computer and will soon be getting a Surface Pro with Windows 8 running on it.

I’ve been heavily promoting linux showing off countless distros to my mum who has been able to perform very basic tasks such as writing a document or calculating something. To find some of these videos of mum trying out linux operating systems type in “Mum tries out [insert os here]” on youtube.

This is the first episode in a new series seeing if other operating systems can replace windows 7. Unlike the “Mum Tries Out” series this one focuses on more advanced tasks while looking into the operating systems with much more depth which leads to 1-2 hour videos. The operating systems will initially be out of the box but lots of third party software will be installed to achieve my goals and if its a historical operating system such as DOS you will get to see a lot of old software running.

Important Points About This New “Can OS Replace Windows 7 Series”:
– This series is not replacing the “Mum tries out OS” series.
– This series will very rarely release new episodes. In fact this first episode is just a concept episode and unless I get more requests there won’t be another episode for this series.
– There are more tasks in these videos which will be more advanced and won’t strictly be exactly the same between episodes.
– Videos will be 1-2 hours long on average so you can watch all or just parts of episodes that interest you.
– The operating system will initially be in an out of the box state but third party software will be installed to see how software looked and functioned at the time of the operating systems release.



24 thoughts on “Can Ubuntu 12.10 Replace Windows 7

  • Ubuntu and Linux in general has come a long way since this video. It can replace windows for sure now. Only time any issues arise is if you're really into gaming which has gotten a lot better too or require certain incompatible software for work or school. The average joe who just browses, checks email, etc can easily just use Linux only.

  • OSFirstTimer, just wanted to let you know, a .tar file is basically a .zip file

  • for a more modern perspective, there is better screen recording software, krita is an excellent drawing program, shotcut and kdenlive are known to be good editors, and compatibility for games is gradually improving. I may not be a linux user now (graphics issues because nvidia) but it's a reasonable replacement for windows

  • Okay, I am not gonna lie, Everytime this gets recommended to me over and over again, I'm not tired of watching it again

  • Nowadays, the easiest recorder for Ubuntu is SimpleScreenRecorder

  • i386 is 32 Bit (x86)
    amd64 is 64 Bit (x86_64)
    AMD invented the 64 Bit architecture so its sometimes still called amd64.

  • You know, I'm supprised Ubuntu even runs from an HDD thats plugged in to USB. Windows would just refuse to. It would be an abomination to run it from an HDD. Especially an external one. Of cause Linux is gonna be slower and less responsive if you run it from USB.
    The random performance of that drive must be awful.

  • Now, I'm not an expert either, but it seems like the error means that Nautilus (the File manager) crashed.

  • hahah 768 dislikes
    sigh youtube removed the dislike count.

  • The “amd64” and “i386” meant “amd64” is for 64-bit PC’s and “i386” is for x86 (x32) PCs

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