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What Is IP Address? IPv4 vs IPv6 | What is URL? What is ICANN? Muskan Saini | Digital Explainers L-5

🔎In this video Muskan Saini is telling about What is Ip addresses, Icann and Url,? Learn digital marketing free course on digital explainers with Muskan Saini.

🚀 Hey there, I’m Muskan Saini, your digital marketing trainer and coach. In the last video, we explored what the internet is , what are browsers , and what we mean by search engines. In today’s video, we will learn about what IP addresses, ICANN and URLs, are exactly.

🌐IP Addresses:
Internet Protocol (IP) essentially assigns a unique identity number to your device, issued by the organization known as ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers). The structure of IP addresses, consisting of four groups of numbers like, with periods separating them. Explore the two versions of IP addresses, IPv4 and IPv6, with IPv6 being the latest upgrade capable of issuing trillions of unique numbers.

If you want to view a specific page or post on a website, you need to input its URL. For example, to go to the home page of Digital Explainers, you can either directly access or use a search engine like Google. The term for this is Uniform Resource Locator (URL), where the URL starts with either http or https. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, facilitating the transfer of information between browsers and servers. It’s worth noting that HTTPS, where the ‘S’ denotes security, is considered a more secure version than HTTP.

With so many elements, there needs to be a way to manage them. Just like in a school with numerous students, there are teachers who manage them, update them, check their homework, and ensure they follow school rules. Similarly, there are principals who establish rules and regulations and guide the teachers. In the online world, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) plays a similar role. As a non-profit organization, ICANN’s responsibility is to create instructions and guidelines related to IP addresses and domain names and manage them. If you’ve ever purchased a domain, you might have heard of platforms like Godaddy, Namecheap, Bluehost, and Hostinger. They can be likened to teachers acting as mediators between principals and students. ICANN ensures that every website has a unique domain name, and every device has a unique IP address.

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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