Eric July BEGS To Settle His ISOM Lawsuit!

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Eric July Rippaverse ISOM Intellivision Amico


by The Geek Getaway

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34 thoughts on “Eric July BEGS To Settle His ISOM Lawsuit!

  • Eric gets so many words wrong all the time. Do their diligence = Done their due diligence. impeding on their rights is also nonsense. His fans just let all this go and agree.

  • Eric can whine and complain about anything, or anyone, for as long as he wants, but you're only allowed to talk about him for 3 hours. And they don't even see the double standard. It looks like his Rockstar lawyers were only Karaoke.

  • (@katydidapodcast) Relay crew here! Great stream, as always! Hopefully, I'll be able to join next Tuesday! Keep up the great work as always!

  • TJ, Eric July is a lol cow and a celeb. He is Brie Larson and Mags Visagio all rolled into one. 😅 This is just Eric becoming the same as the celebs they went after. This is what happens when you become the producer of actual content and not just making videos repeating the same nonsense. Like the FNT crowd.

  • if it's frivolous then there should never be a settlement. That seems more confirmation of Eric using the Mainstream night letter on Ethan and being hurt that Ethan called him on it. from all that is out there from Eric and Az it has a feeling of Eric acting more like an alternative to marvel and dc in their business approaches not as something that is different or better.

  • 49:50 JDA is a detractor and made the list!
    51:16 JDA says Eric July is a loser and sucks at writing
    53:14 JDA lies about his height
    53:56 Visual evidence of JDA being shorter than Rippa 5'9

  • Will GoodShepard be requesting a public apology for being painted as unchristian.

  • If it gotta be one video on Eric ya gotta make it a 12 hour stream

  • Having a father in your life doesn't guarantee you'll be giga chad. I don't get the hate towards single mothers raising their kids.

  • Jor-El's nonsense is ridiculous. "You guys are obsessive!! Its not right!!! But Eric July obsessing over Disney and comics EVERY DAY is totally fine." Why even take these people seriously? Its just "its only bad because you are going after someone I like". Pure grade A hypocrite.

  • JDA is such a joke.. "Hey, you're all POS and you're awful people. But I'm a good Christain and I forgive you. Cause I'm a good person. But fuck all of you."

  • One day there will be some documentary on this crap no later than 5 years. It should be a huge thing in the indie scene where a church beats a comic character

  • 3:36 Introduction
    9:35 Update on the ISOM lawsuit
    11:38 Chris Bacon with 100!
    13:31 Will Eric take down his video calling ISOM fake Christians?
    14:23 A settlement in principle
    15:31 Eric July's lawyers may have done this without him being involved
    18:11 ISOM saw Eric's weakness and pounced
    19:29 Eric July's lawyers have their own agenda
    22:27 ISOM would have been ok with Eric if it wasn't ofr his online behavior
    24:26 Eric July's lawyer's just want his money
    26:14 The Black Retard Gem!
    27:37 How does Isom 3 need to make for Eric to make a profit?
    29:33 Alphacore campaign
    29:49 Total purchases don't mean total purcha-sers-
    31:30 Rippa fan's reaction to Alphacore #1 (Unsatisfied)
    36:01 Eric July testing the waters on how to distinguish Isom 3 from ISOM
    38:17 Eric July saying his writing is as good as Chuck Dixon's
    38:57 Eric saying he wants to switch Chuck Dixon's writing with his own
    40:03 Reaction to Eric's video attacking ISOM
    41:16 Eric July calles ISOM fake Christians
    42:20 Chris Bacon shills r/rippaversedetractors
    45:07 George shilling again!
    45:56 What's George's favorite part of Immortal Mask?
    47:39 TGD explains the WWE and WWF dispute
    58:03 Eric July lying about ISOM not wanting a settlement
    1:00:51 Eric July acting like the licensing fee is shocking
    1:02:37 Will Eric July go for licensing or phase things out?
    1:26:17 TheWholeFnShow giving our show an endorsement
    1:30:03 Eric calling ISOM non Christian again
    1:32:31 NYOBI Comics got monetized!
    1:33:11 Jezker about to get monetized!
    1:36:05 Eric lying about the meaning of the name Isom being revealed eventually
    1:37:53 It doesn't matter if you named Isom with purpose as long as there's a trademark
    1:38:27 Eric knew that ISOM was trademarked long ago
    1:45:04 If Eric settles, everything detractors have been saying is correct
    1:46:20 Eric knows he's losing the case
    1:46:47 How will Eric spin his loss?
    1:49:20 The settlement can still go wrong
    1:50:14 No need to say "No Homo"
    1:50:20 Bluegundam13 reminding us what Eric thinks of lawyers and their advice
    1:52:30 Eric July's pampering and ego led to this
    1:53:30 Let's party!
    2:02:01 Recap of what happened with Eric july
    1:59:34 Liam Gray Pulls up!
    2:02:45 Fail in one grift, on to the next
    2:06:14 NYOBI wants TGD on his stream
    2:14:47 How much did Eric pay the Brazillian graphics studio?
    2:20:56 Lore on Caanan White
    2:23:52 People need money
    2:27:09 George Shilling again!
    2:30:56 TGD's Warehouse of warehouses!
    2:31:45 Rippaverse CGI Warehouse
    2:32:04 Igor cried about TGD reaching out to him for art
    2:33:12 TGD will go to all conventions next year
    2:36:51 Young Clippa pulls up!
    2:37:20 #BlockLofti
    2:38:51 Updates on YoungClippa's Comic
    2:41:45 Make Comics Great Again!
    2:43:47 Riley shows us how to make a Pepe Silvia board!
    2:48:59 Riley taping Sonic to his microphone!
    2:50:12 Tweets of people being confused about Isom being connected to ISOM
    2:53:55 Eric is too stupid to realize that having a trademark means you are not limited to only books in the field
    2:56:38 Shagsworth will have Eric July on Friday
    3:05:01 George shilling his Joe King Bucks to YoungClippa
    3:07:06 Critical Blast's warehouse got raided!
    3:08:32 George Shilling again!
    3:09:33 Maddox lore

    3:11:44 Eric July's police phone call

    3:31:44 And now Liam Gray is Shilling! Kakashi Murder Dolls
    3:32:50 Liam Gray shilling DinoKing: Edge of Extinction
    3:35:34 Waccom Pad talk
    3:37:00 extraHero caught simping!
    3:43:25 Women are ruining everything!
    3:46:27 YoungClippa's dart board!
    3:47:46 Riley is a reverse Andrew Tate!
    3:54:30 Final thoughts

  • Eric July Lying and Implying:
    2:02:01 Recap of what happened with Eric july

    2:12:53 My Great Great Great Granpappy
    2:26:12 My Family!
    2:35:20 Eric lying about meeting with Dr Berin Gilfillan
    2:39:38 "In Good Faith" means give me what I want and don't ask for anything
    2:39:49 Eric lying about being threatened by ISOM
    2:45:00 Eric lying again about class 16
    2:46:59 In 2021 people were asking of the comic book was connected to ISOM
    3:13:11 ISOM knows Eric July's other upcoming products like veidogames and movies might fall into trademark infringement
    3:17:35 Where the personal beef with Eric July came from
    3:25:34 "Good Shephard doesn't own the rights to a cross symbol on the belt"
    3:29:25 All the other ISOMs have settled with ISOM
    3:29:52 "We have profit to plunder"
    3:38:38 The Obtuse Gnome Email
    3:39:29 Eric lying about the brand confusion being from trolls
    3:39:59 Eric July calls ISOM greedy

    3:44:10 Eric lying about his suggestions "benefitting both parties"
    3:45:41 Eric July angry face
    3:47:01 Eric lying again about this being a subversive strategy from ISOM
    3:49:25 The origin of the name of Isom doesn't matter
    3:49:50 ISOM should not compromise because it's their trademark
    3:50:04 The Chewbacca defense!
    3:51:40 If Eric was concerned about trademarks he shouldn't have flagged Clippa
    3:52:34 "We did everything in our power to resolve this" Yeah right

    3:52:44 "We will fight like hell"

  • Who was that tard about half way through that didn't understand the grift, Tony didn't invent talking shit, don't hate on him bc he's good at it

  • TJ, is an ignoramus! The fella never listens, he's incapable of processing simple information and always talks over others. In short a stream killer!

  • Bunch of fat neckbeards triggered because Eric July is laughing all the way to the bank! F your lives, haters! lol

  • Please God, make Eric not listen to his lawyers attempt on settlement with the ministry for more lulz and Tony’s channel well-being. In good faith, Amen. 🙏🏽

  • Wait hold on, that son of jor el guys calls me obsessive too, but I actually only cover eric the amount of time he says is ok, make it make sense

  • I'm 0.0000121% Sub Saharan so can I say the heated gamer word?

  • Bruh, JDA really came on and lied about his height, guy is 5'6 AT BEST, my estimation is 5'3 – 5'4

  • 1:48:55 Eric July's lawyer telling him what would happen if he didn't settle

  • This dude is efapping a video he already efapped cuz he doesn't have any new material from Eric. This is insane sperg shit.

  • I come from a position of an author who has been published. I'm not the best writer, but I know I am better, and the reason I know is I can take critique from my "peers" and betters and not bitch out and learn from it not whine about it to claim victim and racism like the very people I call out. pisses me off. it's ok to be bad at a new thing it's how you get better.

  • Looks like someone is just desperate for attention hahaha. 4 hours dedicated to Eric hahaha. Someone wishes they could have the success Eric is having hahaha. Poor liberal virgin who probably still lives in mommas basement hahaha.

  • This has been such a funny stream, so many people coming in the chat and livestream. Tony, I think your slowly building such a space, it's bringing in so many personalities, it's awesome. Maybe one day I want to jump in, to make it a 5-Black party lol.

  • ☕get Neighbor Chris on, we need to see a VICTORY LAP presentation, the one that was scoffed at by ISOM-MANIACS 🙏🏅⚡

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