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Vite in 100 Seconds

Vite is a JavaScript build tool that makes it faster and easier to build web applications. It’s similar to tools like Webpack, but relies on modern browser features like ES Modules to simplify and speed-up the build process.

#javascript #webdev #100SecondsOfCode

🔗 Resources

Vite Docs
Vite SSR Plugin
Learn more about JS Bundlers

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🎨 My Editor Settings

– Atom One Dark
– vscode-icons
– Fira Code Font

🔖 Topics Covered

– What is Vite.js?
– Vite vs Webpack
– Who created Vite?
– How does Vite work?
– Module Bundlers in JavaScript


by Fireship

linux web server

27 thoughts on “Vite in 100 Seconds

  • The only thing of value from this vide is that I've been pronouncing Vite wrong this entire time.

  • I’ve been migrating a monolithic Next.js project with a custom server to a Turborepo project that splits the website and app into Vite projects. Using pnpm now instead of yarn. Soooo much faster now!

  • None of these are actually 100 seconds. Same thing if you took it literally.

  • Thanks very much for all your videos. not watched all but all watched are awesome. Even if sometimes i do need to decrease the playspeed to follow, thats not worth an issue compared to knowledge increase.

  • "It makes typescript faster since it skips type checking" I see that as a negative to be honest. You're adding the types for a reason. And that reason is not to ignore them to win a couple of seconds.

  • Could anyone explain that to me because i didn't understand its use and capabilities .All the things i heard are so confusing for me .

  • Trying to fix my rollup config, find out about Vite… Feeling very "The future is now old man" rn….

  • I'm sorry but there is a stage between the terminal and the files appearing on your left side nav that I miss – all im getting in the terminal is:
    Done. Now run:
    cd "new project"

    npm install

    npm run dev

    none of which does anything

  • The music made the video very terrible and not fully understandable. Try not using it next time please.

  • Wouldn't skipping type check defeat the purpose of Typescript? What is the use of typescript then? I just started using TS, someone help please.

  • I recently moved my react app from CRA to Vite, it was a pain to do, but I’m so glad I did it.

  • Everyone here so nerd that no one mentioned the Flash package… I like this ppl.

  • I honestly think Evan You is the modern day Einstein. This guy is a freakin genius.

  • How does it compare to NextJS? I heard they're different, but there also seems to be some overlap here (NextJS can also do server-side rendering and run Typescript files).

  • @1:49 If Vite skips Typescript type checking, does that not defeat that whole purpose of TypeScript?

  • i built a project using three.js and vite some months ago alongside many other projects, and now it feels nostalgic, i will never forget summer 2022

  • What is the Idea of making the TS skip type checking, when it is actually one of the importancy of TS features in comarison with JS React.

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