25 thoughts on “HTC EVO 4G LTE unboxing and hands-on

  • The market has a lot more free apps especially games

  • lol how come lol
    i just started laughing for no reason after i watched that

  • nice RE. i put mine on pre order with best buy but first come first serve. so im still waiting. cant wait. i actually had a dream i had one but when i woke i got mad cuz my pre order wasn't in..ahhhh

  • @phandroid, does Sense still have the live weather wallpaper?

  • I kept hearing your skype messages and kept checking my skype =(

  • The design grew on me these past couple weeks and I like it now. It looks classy, like a tuxedo. And as for Sense, Nova Launcher or Apex Launcher will do the trick. Excited to get mine

  • that wasn't a review. it was an unboxing captain america. and i stand by what i said, it looked very unprofessional and his hands are like hamster hands. it honestly makes the phone not look good, for god sakes his hand swallows the whole phone! he could had waited till he got somewhere under better conditions. but like sprint and wimax being the first can sometimes have a negative consequence

  • Thank you somebody that tells things I want to know about this phone especially with the sunlight thing my EVO 3d is impossible to see in sunlight my girlfriend iPhone 4s is solo easy to see even at 25% brightness even though my area won't support 4g LTE for a while I'm still getting it because of the everything else the phone has to offer I can deal with slow 3g speeds for a while I live in Chicago so LTE will head my way before long can't wait til Friday XD

  • The battery is not removable on this device. Bummer. Still preorderd myself one today, tho.

  • No one has talked about the battery that much is it removable…?

  • I keep hearing the skype sound in your video and i was thnking it was my skype….but it wasnt -__-

  • the gs3 ONLY takes 20 photos … the HTC is not limited to that

  • Why, why, why won't this guy clip his nasty ass nails?!?!

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