NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSwindows dns serverWindows server

This MINI PC Is The PERFECT Home Server

We’re taking a look at this HP Prodesk 400 G3 Mini PC to see if it’s a good power efficient home server for virtualisation. We’re testing it with Proxmox and Debian to run a Minecraft server.

It has an Intel Core i3 7100T, 4GB of DDR4 SODIMM memory and a 256GB NVMe SSD in a 1 litre form factor. It’s affordable and only draws 10 watts of power.

This video is fully captioned in English.


by Server Science

windows server dns

3 thoughts on “This MINI PC Is The PERFECT Home Server

  • I have the elitedesk 800 g3 mini with the i5-7500t and upgraded to 32gb ram as my proxmox host and it's more than capable. I'm pretty much running all my services on it, from mc to kubernetes and it still has more than enough power in it. It's impressive what a little sub 200 Euro machine can do. I'm planning to buy another two in the next year to build a HA Cluster to play around with ceph and hyper availability.

    Proxmox itself is also a very impressive piece of software and i love that the features are not paywalled, you just get no support and no "stable" upgrades but the non enterprise repo is still stable enough.

    Also, don't be afraid to talk about distros, i personally run many services on debian because that is what i am most comfortable with and more homelabby software like pihole play better with it because they don't support SELinux or are not available in the default repos of Enterprise linux like Centos and clones. But it's also awesome to be able to replicate enterprise setups in a basic way, with Enterprise Linux, VLAN support in the vms, etc.

    The only thing i find to be kind of annoying with proxmox is that when i messed something up or the guest OS doesn't have the qemu guest agent installed, i have to ssh into the proxmox host and kill the vms with the qm command after deleting the lock file manually, but that is a niche problem case that happens in my usage.

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