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How to config Cisco Wireless Lan Controller (WLC) and APs in Packet Tracer for CCNA learners

The Autonomous APs are self-governing APs. It is not possible to advertise a single SSID through multiple APs, which is Ideal for a minimal deployment. On the other hand, the Light Weight APs rely on the central WLAN controller and can advertise a single SSID through multiple APs for large scale mobility and roaming services.
When an AP joins a WLC, a Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points protocol (CAPWAP) tunnel is formed between the two devices. In my video, you can see I have created SSIDs for IT, HR, and SALES departments and pushed them to the Light Weight APs.


cisco academie

One thought on “How to config Cisco Wireless Lan Controller (WLC) and APs in Packet Tracer for CCNA learners

  • Sir.. i can't connect do wires wth Wlc.. no available ports are showing

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