23 thoughts on “VERIZON 4G LTE speed test 200MBPS!!!! lte 200mbps

  • I get that kind of speed in my small little town in Germany. A friend of mine got 450 MBit/s in Berlin.

    are the speeds any better or about the same in 2018?

  • Unlimited As Only As Good The Network It's On Verizon Might Be Expensive But They Have The Best Unlimited Plans Besides T-Mobile ATT And Sprint

  • So I noticed something in the top left of the notifications apeared just as those speeds begin?

  • I hit 100 mbps on a daily with t-mobile. Lol I know people who hit 100-200mbps on a daily as well. This really isn't shit.

  • Goes to show how shitty Verizon is. Goes from 10mbps to 100+ in 2 minutes. Lmao that’s horrible and unstable.

  • in my country i pay 1,5$ for facebook unlimited,5$ for youtube unlimited,and 10$ for 20Gbs!
    thats the price for 4G
    is it a good price?
    im from Vietnam btw.And the speed ranges from 50-80Mbps

  • Where are u what the he'll I get 38 download in Brockton ma

  • wow that's insane but I'm happy with T-Mobile I never drop below 25mb which is good enough

  • Here in Brazil, it will never reach 200MB speed. Very good this speed.
    EUA 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • I have at&t's unlimited data plan and I receive some pretty good speeds I have speeds at right around 150mbps down at my house

  • Verizon is going balls to the wall with density and small cells in many markets.

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