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How to Build Free SMTP Server with CyberPanel in 5 Minutes

Learn how to build an SMTP server with CyberPanel in 5 minutes. You will be able to send unlimited emails using your own SMTP server.

You just need to have a domain name and Cloudflare account. Once an SMTP server is configured you can use it in your WordPress site or custom application (PHPMailer etc) for transactional or mass emailing.

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by CyberPanel

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50 thoughts on “How to Build Free SMTP Server with CyberPanel in 5 Minutes

  • A question: Is it necessary that Hetzner unblocks my port 25? Does that improve email not in spam instead of port 587?

  • What a gem. I didn't realize this feature existed.

  • what should i do ?

    There was a problem while sending the test email.

    An issue was detected.

    This means your test email was unable to be sent.

    Typically this error is returned for one of the following reasons:

    Plugin settings are incorrect (wrong SMTP settings, invalid Mailer configuration, etc).

    Your web server is blocking the connection.

    Your host is rejecting the connection.

    Recommended next steps:

    Triple check the plugin settings, consider reconfiguring to make sure everything is correct (eg bad copy and paste).

    Contact your web hosting provider and ask them to verify your server can make outside connections. Additionally, ask them if a firewall or security policy may be preventing the connection – many shared hosts block certain ports.

    Note: this is the most common cause of this issue.

    Try using a different mailer.

  • I applied the explanation literally, but it did not work when testing, everything works fine, but unfortunately the messages are attended by Google – Gmail .. anyway, thank you for your effort

  • We can synch this email with Google Gmail by TLS or SSL ?
    So we can send emails from gmail (with same email pro) and receive it.

  • Finally a tutorial that was easy to follow and works! 😀

  • pls what other site can i replace Hetzner with on that ip thing you did?? didnt really understand that part.

  • followed the tutorial but still unable to send or receive emails.

  • It's an awesome tutorial. Thanks for your hard work.

    I had one error while logging in to the mail.

    "' Can't connect to server Server message: Can't connect to host "tcp://localhost:143" '''

    I'm trying to solve the issue, but the issue is not yet resolved. Please help me to resolve this error.

  • can you help me for install cyberpanel in my pc !! iwell pay for your work thank you . im interessé from morocco

  • My version of cyber panel doesn't have some of those features though, such as fix email and debugging problems. It might be because I have the free version

  • hello, i cant fin the email section in the side menu? there is only email settings!

  • Hii sir ,
    I want to transfer email server from cPanel to cyberpanel.

    How I achive this , I have backup email data

  • Assalamualaikum Mr.Usman – i had a question, can i host email ids for all the domains present in CyberPanel individually? If yes then could you please help with the process and which cloud provider is allowing that

  • I have a 10/10 rating and I can send emails from Rainloop but the test emails from the SMTP plugin do not send it.
    My CP email log it says:

    vultr postfix/smtpd[PORT]: connect from unknown[someIP]


    postfix/smtpd[PORT]: warning: unknown[someIP]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: Invalid authentication mechanism


    vultr postfix/smtpd[PORT]: disconnect from unknown[someIP] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 quit=1 commands=⅔


    vultr postfix/submission/smtpd[PORT]: connect from MY-REVERSE-DNS[MY-IP-HOST]


    vultr postfix/submission/smtpd[PORT]: lost connection after STARTTLS from MY-REVERSE-DNS[MY-IP-HOST]


    vultr postfix/submission/smtpd[PORT]: disconnect from MY-REVERSE-DNS[MY-IP-HOSTt]ehlo=1 starttls=1 commands=2

    And the SMTP plugin log says:

    ErrorInfo: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Connection failed. stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`MYDOMAIN' did not match expected CN=`'

    I make sure to install the SSL MAILSERVER correctly and even monitor it with:

    tail -f /home/cyberpabel/error-logs.txt

    The only thing different that I did from the tutorial was to set up another domain as my ReverseDNS and that I use VULTR as my provider. This second ReverseDNS domain is pointing to my server using my own custom namesarvers that I create inside CP (, and for the WordPress installation I used another domain and all the DNS records were managed by Cloudflare just like you.

    What am I doing wrong? Is it required to use the same domain as ReverseDNS? What happen if I want to combine my own nameservers to easily link to other websites to my server but I want them to be able to send email?

    I also tried to use the email debugger of your cloud service but it sends me back to cyberpanel. Thanks

  • Hi and thank you for your help. I can't access to my webmail. I have cloudflare. When I put my credentials on rainloop, it tells me can't access to server ! do you where this issue can come from ?

  • I try to all step as mention in above video. But email is not working. Only email account is setting in outlook POP setting with Incoming port 995 and outgoing 25. Even i am not able to send mail from webmail

  • usman bro, I followed everything but when I test using mail tester, the email doesn't comes. any reason?

  • I have a problem, email can already be sent to the destination email, but the email doesn't arrive.

    But if you receive an email.

    What's the solution?

  • My mail server only sends messages to gmail users. Yahoo users returns with mail undelivered

  • assalam o alaikom
    please don't mind but the video sequence is not proper
    please reupload it with clear audio and explanation
    still i have isuue

  • is there a way we could just use nameservers from domain registrar? will email work for that

  • Thanks a lot for this. I wish if i found something like this 3 years ago. I used to do it the hard way. Now i think my life will go easier cuz of you . 💚

  • Hi. Thanks for the quality tutorials! Can you please do a tutorial about the docker manager? Because I tried to install azuracast with docker but no matter what I do the docker is unavailable. I don't know if I done something wrong or no idea

  • super sir, we are with you, kindly make it more powerful we want to see this panel on top charts worldwide.

  • Thank very much for this tutorial. I think the subscribers number will increase rapidly very soon and of course if you mention about youtube channel in your website.

  • Hi sir, Can you make a tutorial on vps cloud mining using free oracle vps cloud? any crypto currency would be great.

  • Salam, very great content Usman Bhai, I have a question regarding Emai. As you know that we only set 1 RDNS in VPS provider. But we can host unlimited sites on cyberpanel.

    1. How to use other sites for mailing?

    2. And do we need to issue mailserver SSL for all sites?

    Please Answer this usman bhai <3


  • Can you help me how to reset all dns i messed up in cyberpanel iwant to reset all records

  • Hi Usman, thanks for the video, it's really helpful. The email works well when using it on webview, but It gives me an invalid certificate overview when I try to login with any clients like outlook.

    Any thoughts?

  • Can you do a video on cyberpanel custom theme design for login window and the control panels?

  • Hi Usman, Thanks for this video series it will be really helpful for everyone to know more about CyberPanel.

    I have one question regarding the Reverse DNS entry you setup on Hetzner, what can we do incase we have multiple domains hosted with CyberPanel install. How can I setup the reverse DNS for other domains so email works properly, is there any workaround.

    As I guess we can only setup one RDNS entry for IPV4 per server.

    Subscribed 😊 Have a great weekend.

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