Hacking Etico 2024 – #4 Enumerazione Servizi e CMS piu' comuni
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In questo video andremo a imparare ad enumerare i servizi piu comuni come FTP HTTPS SMB etc.. e anche i CMS piu comuni come WordPress, Joomla magento e drupal.
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by Roby7979
linux ftp server
Please, if possible, cover these advanced topics like How to bypass Drupal CMS or other secured CMS? How to bypass HARD WAF protection that stops HTML, SQL, and XSS injection payloads? Payload single-double-triple encoding using Cyber-Chef? How to find the real origin IP of secured websites behind Cloudflare, Akamai, ModSecurity, AWS CDN, etc.,? How to bypass Hard WAF using SQLMAP or Burpsuite? How to find hidden vulnerable parameters and endpoints inside the .js and .jason files? How to find hidden admin pages, cPanel pages, and WHM pages ? Please cover these important topics. Thanks