How long does it take to study for the CCNA #Shorts
If you study for only 30 to 60 minutes per day, you could be ready to take the CCNA exam in 5 months! Read all about it:
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Honest question what if you have your A+ and you also took networking courses. When do you think you can knock it out?
6 months??? Wow
man F that ima get the net + aint nobody got time 4 all dat
#science #linux #windows #python #aws #kali
It toke 13 week to get CCNA &CCNP. That’s it’s if put enough effort to complete goals before the time Stipulated. Now I’m doing CompTIA-A+ AWS GENERAL AND CLOUD PRACTITIONER AND CompTIa- CERTIFICATION-PLUS. And I start computer science at the Salem University focus into cybersecurity cyberattack and other specialists.
Took me 3 months for my 1st CCNA.