Picard Movie Script? Let's Discuss…
We invite you to join us today at 4pm EST (9pm UK) as we discuss the latest rumors on the supposed Picard movie Script. Do we need or want another Picard lead piece? What could (or should) it be about? Join us live and let’s talk about it and get your feedback and input!
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cisco academie
These morons at paramount need to look at Star Trek resurgence / it’s the perfect way to do a new movie led alone a tv series / It really isn’t that hard! Why must we always keep using these geriatric actors?
Picard himself said it in TNG series 1; "let the dead rest, and let the past remain the past." Series 3 was a beautiful send off. Let it be.
I’d rather have a young Riker series.
The actors are still amazing, but I don’t think they need a universe ending threat. I would watch a movie of the TNG crew just doing mundane things. Like Picard playing fetch with No. 1 (the dog, not Riker), Data and Geordi joining an Orion pickle ball league, and Worf having tea with that skull creature from the holodeck and just bantering about old times…
Not interested in Picard with JJ influences, no warp streaks, hexagonal force fields etc. I would love to see a Janeway, SNW and Enterprise movie. Or how about a DS9 film?
Hard pass.
The Next Gen Crew search the galaxy for a Retirement Home for Picard.
Prob getting Legacy S1 first & then will be closely followed by a tie-in Picard movie.
They have already made 4 Picard movies – Generations, First Contact, Insurrection and Nemesis. And those were made 25-15 years ago, when Patrick Stewart was much younger and more believable for the parts. Do Star Trek fans need more bloated nostalgia and eye candy? No, we don't. Time to create something new.
Picard the Movie. The Borg somehow returned.
We already had the Next Gen goodbye episode, so doing that again would be boring.
Have Picard Captain a ship full of cadets, that gets into trouble.
Have Picard and Worf go back to Quonos for another round of Klingon Politics.
Have Picard be a advisor to Seven as the G heads into the Gamma Quadrant to explore again, after a treaty with the Dominion.
Have Picard be reinstated as Admiral, with the sole mission to head a small fleet of slipspace equipped ships heading to the Delta Quadrant, and end with him sailing into the unexplored sea of stars, content to be in the center seat forever
I don't trust Patrick Stewart with a pen BUT if they get the Season three show runner to make it it could be good.
Regarding Bond:
1. Sean Connery was the first Bond.
2. Bond is not a codename, all the actors are the same guy, (Even though some point to Lazenby saying "This never happened to the other fellow" they ignore the scene in the same movie where Bond quits MI-6 and is cleaning out his desk and in his desk are mementos Bonds adventures (aka Connery's movies.) In his desk are Honey Riders Knife ('Dr. No'), Red Grants Watch ('From Russia With Love') and the Rebreather ('Thunderball') and a short musical score from each movie plays as the objects are shown. Lazenby's Bond gets married and his wife murdered, and Moore visits her grave ('For Your Eyes Only'.) Agent XXX also mentions that Bond has been married once and Bond cuts her off before she mentions what happed to her ('The Spy Who Loved Me'). Dalton's Bond is mentioned to have been married once ('Licence to Kill'.)
3. Regarding continuity, Connery's movies follow the books and Bloefeld is a major antagonist in Connery Bond movies (as is S.P.E.C.T.R.E.) and he is killed in the Roger Moore movie ('For Your Eyes Only'.) Also all of Daniel Craig's (a soft reboot starting with Bond becoming a 00 agent instead of being an already established agent) movies follow a continuity ending with the reveal that S.P.E.C.T.R.E. was responsible for everything that happened in all the movies and villains. And once Brosnan took over they didn't focus on continuity, in Brosnan's 'Die Another Day' there is a scene with John Cleese as Q and he takes Bond to a storage area for many of the gadgets of the old movies with Bond going to the Jet pack from Connery's 'Thunderball" and Bond asks him if it still worked before turning it on. There is also the briefcase with throwing knives and Rosa Klebb's Shoe ('From Russia With Love'), Moores Tiny Jet and Crocodile boat ('Octopussy').
Man I got ideas to bring TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, and Ent together. By answering some questions…what is that anomaly at the end of Picard S2, Who is Future Guy, Why did the Hoba Star Explode. It would allow us to catch up on the Sisko boys, Tom and Belana’s daughter and son, Naomi Wildman, and those from the crews of the shows who can add to the story . It would be a trilogy of movies that end with the resurrection of the Roddenberry/ Berman timeline and the shunting of the JJ Chaotic Anomaly that entangled the RB Timeline and fractured off into the Kurtzman Timeline. Kinda like BTTF2
No no no. Picard season 3 was great. The other 2 seasons were trash. His story ended perfectly. This stinks of kurtzman and his bruised ego rearing its head.
Kinda getting a bit of Picard fatigue.
I loved all 3 seasons of Picard, Warts and all. But we want to see other stories continue from that era.
Honestly? If they are going to do a picard movie… do something unexpected. Do it in a comedic style/adventure. Cause I dont think we need another "Picard saves the universe… again" story.
Hell, let the Lower decks guys have a crack at Picard and use their style. Let Sir Patrick Stewart work those comedic acting chops which he definitely has. Would be interesting to see a more fun, picard not quite so dour all the time. Even if he is usually the straight man in the bit, it would still be fun even relying on other cast for the best comedy.
I want anyone else other than Picard "The Picard" is not alive, he died right? Anyone else.
This is just a bad idea…..he's too old and i dont trust the writers