Linux for Beginners: Ubuntu

Linux has countless different versions, known as distros, and knowing which one to use can be overwhelming for a beginner.
In our last video we covered the history and basics of linux, looking at different distros and their use cases. If you’re just starting out, Ubuntu is a great way to get your feet wet. In this video we do an Ubuntu deep-dive, and teach you how to install it.

00:00 Intro
00:36 Distro Recap
01:44 Why Use Linux Recap
02:50 Ubuntu Overview
06:52 System Requirements
07:03 Warnings (Before You Install)
07:50 Ubuntu Tutorial
11:31 Outro

Taking control of your machine via a Linux distro is liberating, but also intimidating. Ubuntu aims to make it all a bit easier for you.

If you’re using Ubuntu, let us know how you like it — or tell us which distro is your favorite! At the end of the day, you have to pick an OS that works for you!

Brought to you by NBTV members: Lee Rennie, Reuben Yap, Will Sandoval, and Naomi Brockwell.

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Watch this video on Odysee:

Here are a bunch of products I like and use. Using these links helps support the channel and future videos!

Recommended Books:

Permanent Record – Edward Snowden

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State – Glenn Greenwald

What has the government done to our money – Rothbard

Extreme Privacy – Michael Bazzel (The best privacy book I’ve ever read)

Naomi’s Privacy Bag: some of my favorite products to help protect your privacy!

Use the Brave browser! https://brave.com/nao076

USB-C to ethernet adapter:

Faraday bag (signal stopping, to protect your fob, credit card, computer, and phone)

Data Blocker (if you’re charging your phone in an unknown port, use this so that no data is transferred)

Computer privacy screen (use your computer in public? Keep your information safe! Choose the size right for your computer)

Phone privacy screen (don’t let people in public see your private data, choose the size for your phone)

Camera cover (for computers and phones, so no one can access your camera without you knowing)

Privacy Tip: Turn off your wifi and bluetooth when you’re not using them!!!



41 thoughts on “Linux for Beginners: Ubuntu

  • If you want a Server version UBUNTU Server Latest Version might be up your street and what about installing Citrix on it also,

  • In Linux World..

    In addition to the distros, it gets more complex …

    The 24 Linux "Desktop Environments" available are made by 24 different independent teams

    The 15 different "Window Managers" available are made by 15 different independent teams

    The 30 different "File Managers" available are made by 30 different independent teams

    … each one of them has their own website with their own supporting documentation
    … and all of those teams exist apart from each of the teams that make the various distros

    The distro making teams pick and chose which of the each of the above three categories they will include in their particular version of Linux.

  • Would love to install Linux on my old laptop. Only has 2GB of non-upgradeable RAM though. Any suggestions?

  • I love your Linux series. I’m a big fan of Ubuntu after trying numerous other distros over the years. For Windows 7/10/11 users out there, Linux gives your older computer a new lease on life with a fast user interface. No need to toss your computer when Microsoft terminates support for your PC (like Windows 11 did). Install a Linux distro and keep that old machine usable. Thanks Naomi!

  • Very informative video, but she missed that it's pronounced Ubuntu and not Ubantoe.

  • My first successful attempt at using linux was Puppy Linux 5.00. I'm now using Lubuntu 20.04, I have Ubuntu Mate installed on a thumb drive.

  • Most computers now come with more then one hdd. That was the true learning curve.

  • I like Linux Mint Cinnamon and Kubuntu the best.

  • 9:02 At this point you should definitely hit Try and try it out first before you wipe the hard drive and install to make sure it works for you and your computer.

  • I love how you have a System 76 laptop which is a laptop built for Linux.

  • Ventoy is a great option because then you can just copy the iso file and in fact can copy more then one iso onto the same USB Flash drive.

  • You can also shrink your C drive and daul boot, but even then you should back up because resizing a partition does have a risk of data loss if there is a glitch.

  • If did not install, encrpyption format how do i install the encryption method if i do not want to reinstall ubuntu

  • I used to have Ubuntu in my computer, but uninstalled it because my graphics card (which is Nvidia) wasn't working as fast as it could just because there are no good controllers out there for Ubuntu. Linux is a great option if you just want to use you PC normally or for some programmers. But if you like gaming, content creation, 3D and VFX or GameDev, you don't wanna install linux.

  • I could listen to your voice all day, you should definitively release audiobooks

  • I have used Ubuntu since 2006 – It's so far better than Mac as well. I even installed it on an old iMac.

  • Ubuntu is bottom of the barrel so to speak when it comes to linux something like fedora, geentoo etc are far more superior and better looking also not using the previous year’s desktop environment

  • I find the graphical user interface (G.U.I.) don't work for me a lot of the time. When I install debian on my computer the G.U.I. didn't work. There are 5 ways to do anything in linux. I hate cannon printers. Nvida is a pain on linux. I clone in to get my distros. Then make a live install. Make sure you have a fast usb stick. Some are so slow. I need the non free contrib for amd software. It's free of cost but not free and open source (Foss). Gimp was over whelming at first. 4gb usb is good for most distros. But have seen as much as 8gb. I would just buy another cheap hard drive if dual booting. To keep operating systems on different disc. I keep the m.2 for gaming. Till I am sure the newer distro runs good. I run debian bookworm/sid.

  • Idk why people still recommend Ubuntu. Canonical's fucking godawful, and there's better and more stable distros out there like MX linux that are beginner friendly as hell.

  • I’m gonna go back to Ubuntu. I like Windows 11 but I’m ready to go back to Linux.

  • Ubuntu is a great distro. How about looking into Zorin OS 16?

  • Ubuntu, Mint, Manjaro, PopOS, Steam, Kali, Tails. Depends what you need, I'm not great at hunting down when random functions aren't present…

  • This was an awesome video. I really loved the engaging content, animations and energy. Please keep up the amazing work – Subscribed ❤ 😄

  • Linux mint debian edition would be a better start for beginners I've had alot of issues with Ubuntu on multiple devices, Ubuntu server is great but the desktop version is another issue, Kubuntu and other spins are alot better but still not great

  • I'd like to buy a television. Which of these 30 brands, and which of the 25 models of each brand are you considering?

    We come across these situations outside of OS, often these days. It's the same with buyng a car, a dishwasher, or a washer- dryer for your clothes. It's the same for air travel, and dining.

    Each of these choices, any model should do, unless you like a specific line for certain subtle features, or quality for price ratio.

  • zorin os and Linux mint Cinnamon are the two easiest …most gentle transitions to the Linux world from Windows as it can get.

    OOTB..they already look and fiction VERY similarly to windows..

    where as Ubuntu is more like a strange version of Mac os given the panel on top and ya can't pin or put anything on it…

  • Very good and informative video, I have learned a lot from it. Thank you very much for uploading.

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