Six Flavors of Ubuntu 22.10 "Kinetic Kudu"

Today, I’m taking a very quick look at six of the official flavors of Ubuntu 22.10 “Kinetic Kudu.” While the flagship edition of Ubuntu,with the GNOME desktop gets most of the press, I think there is some really great work going on in the community distributions…

► https://kubuntu.org/​
► https://lubuntu.me/​
► https://xubuntu.org/​
► https://ubuntubudgie.org/​
► https://ubuntu-mate.org/
► https://ubuntuunity.org/

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21 thoughts on “Six Flavors of Ubuntu 22.10 "Kinetic Kudu"

  • I have tried pretty much every distro and watch all of the distro videos, but I always land on Kubuntu…It just works! Other non ubuntu distros can work for a while and then something happens and they start locking up, or acting badly. I run only recent computers with multiple core processors and a minimum of 16gigs of ram…and the most stable and best long term behaving distro has always been Kubuntu for me

  • the minimal installation is what keep me coming back for Ubuntu. Should be standard. All the crap you don't need. Nasty bloat gone with a click!

  • Very nice and informative video…Unity is getting heavier with every release! I think these distros and their flavors need to tone down a bit because I see in a few years, Linux distros may not be the go-to OS for "old hardware" anymore. I miss the days Ubuntu fit in a 700mb CD…damn!

  • I really like the normal and minimal install option, hope every Linux distro add the feature.

  • Nice reviews/overview, I might try Lubuntu LXQt, still maining Manjaro XFCE just might plop on another ssd see if I like something new or could do VM.

  • You should talk about Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix. It desreves more attention, I use it and it's very good distro for people who want the nice friendly UI of Cinnamon DE with the Ubuntu core.

  • Kudu is a very large antelope (much larger than white tail deer) in Africa. I do not mean to offend anyone, but if you like steak of buffalo (US variety) you will more than love the taste of kudu. It is fantastic!

  • Hi! Great video! I'm just wondering why you have left out Ubuntu Studio from your lineup? OK, it's based on Plasma like Kubuntu, but they are set up vastly differently.

  • Canonical always has the worst luck with the software they develop. Created upstart, gets replaced by systemd, created Unity Desktop, gets replaced by GNOME (again), created ubiquity, gets replaced by Calamares (and that's a good thing).

    We just have to wait for snap getting replaced by something more popular and better embraced by the Linux community,

  • Dark themes is actually worse ergonomics, they should actually not be defaults.
    Yes, the research that are out ther tell you that light themes are better.

    And yes, you will get that when you grow up and get older. 😉

  • I love Ubuntu unity… Imo 2nd best Ubuntu flavor after kububtu

  • There are three unofficial flavours: Ubuntu Cinnamon, Ubuntu DDE and Ubuntu Rhino. The last is a rolling Ubuntu flavour. Besides these, you have Ubuntu based distros.

  • So glad you mentioned pipewire being available on some of the ubuntu flavors. Couldn't get audio working on my 2015 chromebook with ubuntu distros for a while and installed Endeavour just so I could have sound. Decided to try Budgie (minimal install) with pipewire and the newer kernel. Not sure what did the trick, but it looks and SOUNDS great – many thanks for the heads up, DT!

  • This is one of the main Linux problem if for each GUI you must release separate flavor of distribution. Unity, Gnome and KDE are sooo way behind Macos and even Windows.

  • The reason why Unity feels so comfy is because of our brains. We as humans are adapted to things happening at the top left corner. And guess what – Unity has all of its important stuff in the top left, like dock and the menu bar. It is the only DE from all the OSes that does this. And I'm super happy that Unity lives and marches on!

  • Ubuntu was my default choice for looooong years (Ubuntu Unity would be my choice for another long term use). But since they started using snap, that changed. Of cause, I can purge it, but as most of the apps use snapd meanwhile, the store is more or less useless. Currently I'm still on 20.04 lts and digging a bit in fedora core and debian stock. Linux Mint is may be another good choice, but as humans like me are sometimes bound to their habits, even changing to a system with a different name feels very strange.

  • Already downloaded Unity and will be installing it once my current uni assignment is finished! 🙂

  • I've been running Qtile and Xmonad for almost a year now, but of the full desktop environments, I think Unity is still my favorite. Canonical really thought about everything when they were originally developing it, and the dev (who is very young, btw, something like 13) has made some very nice improvements. I'm so glad to see it still holding its own against Ubuntu's GNOME implementation.

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