Budgie Desktop, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Flathub, openSUSE, Purism & more Linux news

On this episode of TWIL, the Buddies of Budgie have released a new version of the Budgie Desktop, Ubuntu has announced some ambitious goals for the next release of the distro. The Flathub has hit a major milestone. openSUSE is getting geared up for the openSUSE Conference. Plus Purism is making some waves with the announcement of their first public offering for stock in the company. All of this and more on this episode of This Week in Linux, Your Source for Linux GNews!

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/251

00:00 Intro
00:37 Budgie 10.9 Desktop Released
03:46 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS News
05:23 openSUSE Conference & Tumbleweed Update
07:38 Flathub Has Reached 1 Million Active Users
10:08 SystemRescue 11 Released
11:05 Redcore Linux 2401 Released
12:45 LINBIT
14:09 EndeavourOS Galileo Neo Released
14:53 Locally Exploitable glibc Vulnerability
16:26 Purism Values Itself at $75 Million USD
25:32 SDL 3.0
26:50 Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Released
27:49 Shotcut 24.01 Released
28:45 FTC finds Intuit violating US law over TurboTax advertising
33:08 Outro

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/251


Other Videos:
17 KDE Plasma Features That You Didn’t Know About: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhPIwFC4qFs
Gamify Your Life with Habitica, A To-Do List RPG To Get Things Done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=231NecNTaSA
5 Reasons Why I Use KDE Plasma: https://youtu.be/b0KA6IsO1M8
7 Reasons Why Firefox Is My Favorite Web Browser: https://youtu.be/bGTBH9yr8uw
How To Use Firefox’s Best Feature, Multi-Account Containers: https://youtu.be/FfN5L5zAJUo


Thanks For Watching!

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24 thoughts on “Budgie Desktop, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Flathub, openSUSE, Purism & more Linux news

  • Ive always used Turbotax for free for the years I worked and I haven’t been arrested yet. Though I definitely agree that the way taxes are handled in America is beyond terrible.

  • You should probably not use Flatpakked Chromium Browsers. Their tab sandboxing is completely replaced using Zypak, which is experimental and probably not as restricted as possible as the native usernamespace sandboxes of system packaged Browsers.

  • When I lived in Germany all of my taxes were automatic, there were never overcharges, nor the many and high expenses of dealing with pre-estimating taxes, agents, investigations and what not to catch cheaters, no user errors in having to file themselves, especially how utterly overcomplicated it all is here (Designed for you to make mistakes, pay fines, and keep agents employed which our taxes pay for…). You don't get refunds of course, but you know exactly what you can spend when you get your pay check, and what stuff costs in the store because the taxes are included in the price of items… Just better in every possible way, and When our government "Improves shit" to be no better whatsoever, and feed you that line of BS that it cannot be done the same way here because the US is larger (One of the dumbest things I ever heard in any application) is a crock of shit! Improving the system to work that way won't only save the tax payers money and grief, but also the government, and it can and will help the government way more than the tax payer. You don't even have to look up tax rates, because they are listed on any financial transaction and on price tags… So why don't the improve it, well just like everything here that needs improving: so the government can whine about having to spend so freaking much and do so much work (Doing nothing) and give themselves raises higher than any employee in the private sector can even dream of!

    Thankfully the Biden administration has made actual improvements to so much it's not hard to imagine it's not on their to do list! Biden made America great again after Trump promised it and delivered none of it, he just made everything worse and brought our economy to an all time low, he just lied, lied and lied again relying on stupid people to just believe him in blind faith (It's all public record) and give huge corporations handouts, enrich himself while in office, and offend nearly all of our allies while kissing up to our fascistic dictator enemies… and FYI: America was never not great compared to most other countries, a few even larger and more populated!, and 90% of what MAGA republicans claim about how bad it was are claims without any evidence whatsoever!

    When White christian nationalists (MAGA) says "America"; a continent, and not all US territory by far they mean back before the civil war when people had slaves, there was segregation, woman had no rights, child labor was uncontrolled… or even further back, like 1300BCE when the US didn't even exist, and Levitical law was the law with the death penalty for even the most petty crimes AKA Judea!

    Pleas vote blue, because being in a cult is overrated and can backfire really darned quick, and almost always does, and it already has for a great many!

  • didn't expect to learn about american taxes today lol

  • Solus and Budgie are promising. A very responsive system. Let's hope that the team will get stronger and united.

  • The only thing I like about Snap is that on the file upload page in the Snap Store, they often include commands for adding various functions, such as how to create a virtual camera in OBS. It saves me the trouble of googling and wasting time.

  • I got apple vibes from Purism,
    PinePhone Pro is cheaper and better in my opinion.

  • Purism 😂 … what a joke of a company. Everybody should just stay away from these guys

  • I try to avoid flatpak, snaps etc because their package sizes are generally huge and they often pose compatibility problems. Native packages are much better, and not harder to install, IMHO. Linux does not have to be windows-like.

  • Is it weird that I enjoy Flatpaks so much despite using Tumbleweed?
    It just expands on software for me to use and doesn't interfere with deps.
    Speaking of TW, I too switched the update checker to check only once a week since that's more than enough.

    Just glad Budgie development continues.

  • The story is that Intuit has done just that: blocked movements to simplify the tax code or for the IRS to offer free tax software.

  • Budgie fastest and cleanest 🫧 DE, but I'm KDE user for long time 😅

  • As a Manjaro Gnome user I have flatpaks enabled, but I've never use them, as I just take the native packages, and AUR packages, as even with dependencies the file sizes are usually smaller.
    Also it's good to see Budgie getting Wayland support, I just hope the resource usage for Budgie on Solus does not increase because of it, as it's great for older hardware.

  • 17:51 Man, I haven't seen you laugh that hard since forever. Nice to see you having a good time.

  • I use snaps, because 8 years old distros like Ubuntu 16.04 support the latest stable snaps.

  • “We are not involved with the snap repackaging. It has a lot of issues”, Besset adds, noting that “the best way to install Steam on Debian and derivative operating systems is to […] use the official .deb”.
    -Timothée Besset, a software engineer who works on the Steam client for Valve

    Those who don’t want to use the official Deb package are instead asked to ‘consider the Flatpak version’ — though like the Steam snap the Steam Flatpak is also unofficial and not directly supported by Valve but unlike the Snap it says so in its store listing.

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