Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Sell Your IP: Monetize Ideas Fast!

💡 Learn from Facebook’s $2B Move!
Mark Zuckerberg’s Oculus acquisition showcased the power of selling IP—a game-changer from $2.5M to $2B in 601 days. 📈

🔄 Why Sell? Solve Resource Challenges!
When your innovative product lacks resources, selling IP transfers ownership, providing immediate gains and no surprises. 💰

📑 Ensure Professional IP Assignment!
Valuing IP is complex; our infographic guides you through the process. Simplify monetizing with a hands-off approach post-sale. 🌍💼

🔐 Innovate Confidently. Protect Your IP. 🔒

#IPMonetization #InnovationSuccess #SellYourIdeas 🚀📊


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.