Simple Cloudflare Tunnel Setup on Unraid for Beginners!
Looking for a simple, yet effective way to bypass the hassle of port forwarding and carrier-grade NAT issues? This tutorial has got you covered! In this short video, I ‘ll walk you through the steps to seamlessly set up a Cloudflare Tunnel on your Unraid server. Perfect for beginners and seasoned users alike, this guide offers a straightforward alternative to using a reverse proxy. Whether you’re dealing with restrictive ISP settings or just want to enhance your home server’s connectivity and security, this video will provide you with all the information you need to get started. No prior experience required—just follow along, and you’ll have your Cloudflare Tunnel up and running in no time. Dive in now and unlock the full potential of your Unraid server!
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Great videos as usual @SpaceinvaderOne … thank you. Can you give any tips on if/how I should move away from SWAG … I used your videos on that which works well.
Great Video. Just wondering though. which would be better? Tunnel or Reverse Proxy?
My question is… if I were to connect to my Nextcloud, can I do large file transfers? like 1GB? or is Cloudflare Tunnel not for high data bandwidth things? If not, what other ways can I do?
excellent video. so this will work also if you have double nat router setup i suppose?
Could this be done in application to public ip? More so specfically for minecraft servers or game servers in general. I followed your Minecraft video so my minecraft server has an associated url with it, but still uses my unmasked public ip, is there a way to have unraid as a whole use a different address then my public ip?
Great video! I would be interested in a video that has this stack (Headscale) Tailscale, Traefik, Authentik and CrowdSec. Thanks for everything you're doing. I have been a subscriber for 4+ years
Great stuff, could you host a public website with this method or would there be SSL issues?
You can just buy a domain directly through cloudflare as well. All through the same portal .They are fairly cheap.
It would simplify the process a lot.
But it is good to show your full process because it helps those who already have domains.
Thanks for all the videos
Can not be more clear than this video thanks a lot !!!!!
Great tutoria, unfortunately the TLS options is absent for me. Maybe they moved it
Excited for the video on immach. Was going to tackle figuring out setting it up by myself but figured I might as well just wait for you to release your video on it. Hopefully you release it tonight!
Hello Spaceinvader one. Thank you for your valuable video. Can you tell me why I can't configure the tunel with pihole and unbound? Do I have to pay attention to anything special?
not sure why youa re setting the payment, its not required. and dont forget about home assistant and google assistant intergration. cloudflare might block those
How would this work for game servers? Can you still use the domain somehow? I don't think cloudflare wants you to stream that traffic through the tunnel
Really good video. I've seen others which I couldn't quite follow. This is very clear and informative. Thank you.
In minute 4 you leaked the email address for your cloudflare-account.
How is it when I finally decide to pull the trigger on putting together the Cloudflare Tunnel setup and can't find any decent up-to-date walkthroughs, and you come out with this a day after I finally get it working! Haha. Thanks for the great video. Nice to know that I followed the same process and got it up and running. Additionally, I added Nginx Proxy Manager to my setup and have the tunnel pointed at that, though you can manage all of that in the Cloudflare interface now.
Great video I think this works well for those who don't want to reverse proxy or can't. I reverse proxy my nextcloud instance. But this is a nice option to have.
If you're doing this from scratch, you can make it slightly easier by registering your domain using Cloudflare, but it's good to show this way for people with existing domains
Thank you so much, I'm big fan this channel.make my unraid more and more useful,
Great vid, so easy to understand. Curious, why not just purchase your domain at Cloudflare and not deal with changing name servers?
Definitely the easiest way to get a tunnel going on unRAID that I've seen and now, used. Thanks again @Spaceinvader One!
Why not use the container directly from cloudflare? The one from Cornflake's Repository uses CF's direct container…
How secure is this implementation of Cloudflare tunnel?
In my opinion CF tunnels isn't usefull for Nextcloud. Not every NC App are support chunks, this will result that files are bigger than 100mb won't be uploaded completely. Also Plex ISN'T allowed by Cloudflare with CF Tunnels.
Exactly what I needed as I couldn’t get my existing tunnel to work. Spent hours yesterday and then saw this video, deleted all the old stuff and got it to work in minutes. THANKS.
This is just what I needed! Thank you
Can you set up mutual TLS with a client certificate on say a mobile device to further secure access to the tunnel to only authorized client devices? Thank you for the video!
It seems that Plex Server cannot be accessed directly using IP:port.
EMBY and JELLYFIN are no problem
On cloudflare, you can use the container name instead of IP 🙂
Sir, Need an Unraid SMB access setup tutorial
Please do the video on the custom menu buttons soon! Very interested in learning more about custom unRAID integrations.
Please , make videos on AI softwares on unraid . It would be fun
be a good idea to spend a few seconds at the start saying what cloudflair is and what it does. I eam these are beginner tutorials… many beginners will have no idea what it is, or why you wouldn't want to use it.
Does this bypass firefalls?
Ed, I literally. Just did this last night, albeit without the "HTTPS" configuring. But now that will be added when I get back home. As always thanks for all the informative Videos. Dale
Did a similar thing but with ngix proxy manager for SSL certificates. Followed the video, How to Set up Cloudflare Argo Tunnel FREE on Unraid by IBRACORP. Not really tech savvy, just got into unraid (barely a week but been loving learning.) (still on my trial, might need to buy)Should I undo my current setup and use this tutorial instead? Don't know what pro or cons, but so looking into nextcloud and currently have a plex server running. What would I need to due for nextcloud due to the TOS of cloudflare? Overall nice video.
I know this video works great for the majority of use cases, but is their an alternate method for domain hosts that will not allow us to change the host name server?
Cloudflare tunnel is a pretty great and easy way to set up remote access to my home network. However, Cloudflare does not have a CDN in my location, so the connection has to route to the UK, resulting in a very slow connection.
Great stuff. Can't wait for the immich video.
Great to see you back Ed, i’ve been waiting for some new videos! Would it be possible for you to do a up to date video of Plex meta Manager? I always have trouble getting it going so I just walk away from it 🙁 Best regards, Mick
This video is very new and I see you replying to comments. I did a quick google search and it’s only in feature requests. How did you manage to add your multiple servers to the same GUI switching that easily to your nextcloud server? Is that only for a beta version of Unraid? Maybe you can post a video if it’s worth it on how to add them in? If it’s something super simple sorry. I was just shocked to see you click into your other server from the GUI.
Before making your photos video, please note that cloudflare tunnels has a upload limit of 100mb at once, which limits non chunked uploads (like immich)
cloudflare tunnel was the only way I could get my nextcloud server working, and after watching your video I noticed you're not running a reverse proxy, I shut swag down and all my services still work, guess I didnt need to edit all those different configs etc.
Another timely video