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Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Server Install [META TechRats]

Very basic howto on installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server.

To get going:
1) Browse to
2) Download the SERVER (not desktop) version of 10.04 LTS (Long Term Support) – you need to chose 32 bit or 64 bit version depending on the architecture of the machine you’re going to install on. If it’s a server, it’s almost for sure 64 bit and that’s what you should go with
3) Burn the ISO to disk (I like ISO Recorder)
4) Pop the new CD into a machine that you want to turn into your server and turn on the server
5) Follow along with the video after the server boots off the CD


by Jeff Patterson [wd]

linux web server

3 thoughts on “Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Server Install [META TechRats]

  • can i replace root user to any other user so it may be much more defficult to hack; like replace root > root123456……..

  • if i do installed liek same.. can i connect it on win 2003 server dns server.. and use it as data sharing server

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