458: Fiddling, DIY, and Cursing

Trond Snekvik spoke with us about developing VSCode extensions and Bluetooth meshes.

Trond is a Staff Software Engineer at Nordic Semiconductor.

Nordic’s Visual Studio Code Extensions (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/publishers/nordic-semiconductor) include device tree and kconfig support for the Zephyr project as well as tools for nRF Connect. 

Trond’s github page: github.com/trond-snekvik (https://github.com/trond-snekvik)

In 329: At Least 32-Bits, Thank You (https://embedded.fm/episodes/329) , Kate Stewart of the Linux Foundation spoke with us about Zephyr in 2020 

Transcript (https://embedded.fm/transcripts/458)

Thank you to Christopher for providing a picture of what may (or may not) be a troll.


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