****UPDATE MARCH 31, 2024****

Centos7 is end of life and if you follow these specific instructions and scripts it will only work up to TAK-Server 4.9.

I got my buddy Ryan to build some new scripts for Rocky Linux 8.

The scripts with instructions for Rocky 8 are posted at in the TAK-SERVER folder.

I have not had a chance to film this yet but a majority of it is the same as this video its just using a different version of Linux and some more scripts to carry over.

You can go to this page for full copy and paste of the new code to run the Rocky 8 Scripts for 5.0.

If you want to learn this from scratch check out for a good tutorial on deploying 5.0 – no scripts but its good to learn to do all the steps.

If your looking for a really inexpensive alternative to Digital Ocean or Linode checkout SSDNodes. Follow this link to their site for great prices. They also have a virtual console and many linux distributions including Rocky 8.

***There is a linux command error in the video at the 12:05 mark.
It does not really change much as I run all the commands as the root user
The instructions are updated to reflect it.
When making the atak user a sudo user which means high-level user the command is sudo usermod -aG wheel atak .


centos 7

22 thoughts on “TAK SERVER 4.9 CentOS-7

  • I followed the script and got this running on a digitalocean server.. two days later came back and it's not running anymore. going through the script again doesn't start it up. Does this have any sort of persistence? how do you start it once it is stopped? and once its running again, what ports does it need open aside from 8443 (just setting up the digitalocean firewall). Thank you

  • Mine threw an error:

    cp: cannot create regular file ‘/opt/tak/certs’: No such file or directory

    cp: cannot create regular file ‘/opt/tak/certs’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/opt/tak/certs/’: No such file or directory

    chmod: cannot access ‘/opt/tak/certs/’: No such file or directory

    running certificate script

    sudo: /opt/tak/certs/ command not found

  • I hope u can help me with a problem im facing. So i did everything, no errors the server works fine but whenever i try to connect to the server on atak app it says 'TAK Server registration failed' and notification 'Connection error' 'Please re-import your trust store certificate' . I did everything exactly like you twice just so i was sure i didnt do any mistakes.

  • I got all the way up until install it is telling me I need Java 17 my first time using this stuff curious how I’d add Java 17 to the system

  • Thanks for the tutorial and sharing the scripts, AJ. I've spun up a 5.0 tak server with Ubuntu 22.04 on a vps and this was very helpful

  • I do not have "truststore-intermediate-ca.p12"
    I have created certs before but I'm trying to distribute credentials via username and password.

  • What is the initial atak account for? I can't see any reference of it in the scripts.

  • I managed to follow this while installing takserver 4.9 rel46 all the way up to about 25 mins where you go to port 8443 on the server. I got logged in fine but it seems like I'm not logged in as an admin. I cannot get to the metrics dashboard, instead it just shows me a map. I've tried manually typing in the url and that doesn't work either. I'm using the admin.p12 cert. What am i doing wrong?

  • could you use these steps to make a TAK server on a Raspberry PI4? I want to have one going for the airsoft field I play at as we have a big MILSIM event comming up in september.

  • When I go to find the opt/tak/certs/file part of the video mine only shows opt/tak/cert and no files part. Was something missed when the server was created?

  • Awesome video. The "official" TAK documentation is so much better than it was 4 years ago but still has a way to go. Community resources like this are really picking up the slack.

  • Thanks AJ, for all your videos including this one. I think the TAK folks can make the installation procedure easier, so the "TAK Server deployment made easy" video does not have to be three quarters of an hour !!!! 😉

  • Hello my dear brother, I am in Hajj Al-Hazza program, how does it mean to get it?

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