End of the Internet? Dead Internet Theory + Disappearing Content = Rut Roh

The Internet is mostly made by AI… but that’s ok, it’s all being deleted anyway.

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by Bryan Lunduke

linux foundation

34 thoughts on “End of the Internet? Dead Internet Theory + Disappearing Content = Rut Roh

  • The real "death" of the internet is the inability to search for content like what was possible 15 years ago. A post from a small BB forum 15 years ago had a better chance of showing up in a search engine than anything from Discord, Facebook, Telegram, or Twitter today.

  • The internet (as it is today) is barely 20 years old. Things change, we lived without it for thousands of years. Maybe this will help more people touch grass.

  • Kiwi farms is the last hope for a free Internet, but the easily offended prefer bots

  • Meanwhile, in the real world, food fuel & healthcare are getting costlier, conglicts on the rise, and weather getting choppier.

  • This is why I always tell people it's not a bad idea to invest in a local NAS and literally start downloading the internet.

  • The "Good Internet" only existed because it reflected the values of the people who initially participated in it, who were a small fraction of the general population. Once the doors were thrown open and the internet was "democratized" — where everyone was "given a voice" — those values were quickly eclipsed by the appetites of the masses. The outsider always dilutes the values and world produced by the insider, which is probably why humans evolved strong in-group preferences.

  • yep , www is ads heaven . Got censored question ? Sorry only real world experience can help you

  • I see a future where an AI that sounds like Scarlett Johansson reminds you to wipe your bottom and nobody except activists know how to do long division. The movie "Idiocracy" is a corporate business plan for the human race.

  • You are not talking about the future. It is now. Something in between. The Internet is just a trade tool. We buy stuff there, it's faster, cheaper, easier. If you consider customers as people – then there ARE people there. The customers. The Internet as a space where the human generated content lived (or people talked with each other) has ended long before AI. I noticed many years ago that there's nothing that is not about selling stuff anymore. Noting that is not product related. Like 10 or maybe 20 years ago you just had something to say, to show. Now – you have a product. "Content". Everyone is at work. You either produce or consume. And it got disgusting way before AI. The AI just makes it obvious.

  • Maybe pirates will be the saviors of the internet history. 🙂
    Rip it, download it, store it, seed it.

  • As a student of modern history, it is clear to me that a technology curtain is being dropped between the West and Rest. In the future there may be two internets

  • I feel like search engine results have been dropping quite a bit in quality in the past few years and in the last year have fallen rapidly.

    Maybe I am getting older and have better 'taste', but also willing to be generated/low effort content has a lot to do with this.

  • Its simply too complicated to make web pages or too expensive. Most people can't be bothered. Its so easy to make web pages that are crappy. It used to be simple. You used html, and that was it. Nobody was comparing your page to Star Wars.

  • Back as early as the 2010's there was creators on YT that question, and some claiming to hear how pop singers farmed for views, bought bots, etc. Now, with AI, they seem just a little more up front about how they want to use these things for social engineering.

  • They are making 30 years of lost generations in the west right now to destroy it

  • But then… what is really a difference between AI generated content and NPC generated content? 🙂 As long as original content will not get banned or restricted (I know, it already is) then it'll be like it is today, just worse – absolute shitshow, impossible to find anything, mainstream garbage, tiktoks, shorts, dead forums and generic no-solution answers to problems. And on the other hand a handful of creators producing original work that you would need to actually reach out to find them. It already happened, so many websites I need to use VPN to go around ISP/country restrictions, creators who were banned from youtube years ago etc.

    I wonder similar thing will happen with books, movies etc – there will be moderate grey tasteless AI spewed goo for mass consumption and real pearls of original art, written with passion, rare but on the other hand too sophisticated for average audience. Well what's the difference with what we have today?

  • Post a for sale ad online. You'll quickly find out how many bots exist.

  • I reached the end of the internet one time. It took me days to find my way back.

  • They've been trying to stop the internet for decades, now, and to regain their stranglehold on public discourse. This has to be intentional

  • Someone just needs to split the internet archive baby. The wayback machine is the top thing we can’t afford to lose. Google recently just deleted their archive as well.

    Sounds like conspiracy if i were to be cynical about it

  • Keep up the reporting, we need more voices like yours.

  • This explains why all of us full stack engineers have become unemployable over the last 2 years.

  • I kinda just accept it. I miss the old internet, but the internet evolves as most things do. Look. Websites become irrelevant at some point. Their content becomes just outdated and nobody visits them anymore. Running machines to keep that online does cost money – as little as it may be for a simple website. Old servers may have hardware faults and will not be repaired, because nobody cares. And content of real value for people always will be downloaded and stored by a lot of tech-savvy users. Most interesting stuff out there is spread across a lot of storage devices and can be reuploaded, in case we need to create a humans-only internet successor. And who knows, maybe that AI generated content will actually become amazing and much better than humans could do? I, for one, welcome our new machine overlords. Seriously. I'm glad artificial general intelligence is coming up, finally some real intelligence on this planet. 😀

  • The problem is how do you verify that an article is human made? This cannot be automated. If it could be automated, AIs will simply scan their output and remove pieces that trigger the AI detection. The only option that I see is trusted curator content, but that will be in a much lower volume than AI generated content.

  • I kinda see this as a blessing in disguise. With nothing but Fake AI-generated content and spam bots flooding everything online this will eventually get people to not be on the internet as much and go outside.

  • Buy physical books and old trusted resources

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