✅Windows 7 Tutorial – How to create a backup system image in Windows 7

This quick Windows 7 Tutorial shows you how to create a backup system image of your entire drive(s) and also create a boot repair disc in case of emergency. For more Windows 7 and Windows 8 tips click cheers!

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43 thoughts on “✅Windows 7 Tutorial – How to create a backup system image in Windows 7

  • Remember watching this all these years ago. Good memories ☺ Glad to see channel is still active!

  • What if the disc doesn't recognize the image you created for some frustrating reason?

  • Very good video, good clear instructions, good quality video and brief and to the point, my kind of video. Thanks

  • Why do you need to back-up in the same drive? Answer ASAP please

  • this disk cannot be used to store the system image PLEASE HELP

  • what do you do if it says"The drive is not a valid backup location" any solutions

  • Question, if i create an image backup of my old PC so that i can use that (same image) on new fresh windows install, On the new install will windows ask me to re-enter the software product keys for M. office and windows ? or will (it recognize the product key from the saved image?

  • what other storage media is mentioned on the video?

  • when i create c drive image D drive also include and i cannot unchecked

  • Creating system image did all drivers backup with windows. or not??

  • so if you do this then can you format your hard drive and then use this to reinstall Windows and all your stuff

  • Windows 7 keeps telling me "it can't use my USB drive. What am I doing wrong?

  • newly i started to learn computer and i watch how to make a backup drive but how we can go to system recovery options

  • Hello i havé question about win back up image If i make Windows 7 back up image that Will be have all the software i installe on it or not Please Answer my questionThanks

  • Is it possible to transfer files between two computers by using a system image backup?

  • For some reason I don't have the option to choose which drives are being backed up. It makes me do the local disk (win the OS on it) and a Data drive. Any suggestions?

  • Thank you, just … when i put the ''boot repair disk'' it doesn't boot.It shows me only the files.Do i boot it in safe mode ?

  • I'm currently trying to install windows 10, but I'm worried that maybe some drivers are not compatible or it just doesn't run smoothly, so I'm trying to find a way to backup my current windows, not the files but just the windows so that I can revert back to my current if I want to, So is this the way(shown in video)? or is there another way since this video backs up all data on the C which is a lot of stuff besides windows, any help whose be appreciated.

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