5 thoughts on “David Bull | 26-May-24

  • We have a community farm event today and I've been asked in my professional capacity to run a talk about Nutrition – thanks for all this great information – I'll be using some of these references 👍 I've gone back to basics, although we always did, as it was cheaper as we sacrificed to pay for our children's education. The children went to a Montessori school where they were taught to garden, grow vegetables and then how to cook the food – brilliant training. My husband & I have also worked in the food manufacturing industry – wouldn't eat it – best left there! Bring on real food

  • mmm thinking of National service, as with some body who works in further education the military will have to do GCSE as the previous 11 years has been spent on anything remotely connected to a working towards any career, which involves reading , writing and maths, however, they know their pronouns?

  • Dracula is my favourite novel ever 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 happy birthday Helena!

  • Young people have no sense of national identity, because they have been made to feel ashamed of everything we hold dear. They couldnt even fly the union jack from their bedroom window if they wanted to.
    They have been indoctrinated with anti colonial propoganda, made to feel embarrassed about our history, and have seen immigrants being given every advantage in both the housing arena, and workplace.
    So please , get a grip , what is thete to fight for ? , because make no mistake, this national service is a pre curser to conscription.
    The young people of today are more clued up about war, they know ots a racket. If our Govt want troops to fight Russia, THEY can do it.

  • Towards the end when the mother rang in about her son and his weight.

    The advice they gave was so typical but so wrong.

    Contrary to what many believe, men actually respond to tough love. Facing uncomfortable truths is what will propel him to act.

    He needs calling out on his weight. Only then will he take the necessary action.

    As men we have to build our value. We have to make it rain and put our dent in the universe. A man who doesn’t have his sh*t together and doesn’t look after his health / body is extremely unattractive to women. They do not feel safe and comfortable with such a man.

    If he doesn’t sort himself out he’s destined for a life of misery. It will impact everything. He will not benefit from people sat round him saying ‘Oh poor you’ & feeling sorry for himself. It just enables him to continue with his behaviour.

    First things first he needs to hit the gym, the endorphins will help alleviate any depression he might have and his overall mood will be lifted. He’ll also lose weight and be happier with how he looks.

    It starts there.

    Would actually recommend Rich Cooper’s YouTube channel.

    He has helped thousands of men like this get their lives back in order.

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