Computer NetworksNETWORKS

30-Router, Basic configuration and features, port configuration, assign ip address part-30

“Quiz in my eyes” channel .A network is a group of two or more computers or other electronic devices that are interconnected for the purpose of exchanging data and sharing resources 1234. Networks can be as small as two computers or as large as billions of devices 2.Quiz In My Eyes , The simplest network is a combination of two computers connected by a cable, called a peer-to-peer network 1. In these networks, there is no hierarchy; both participants have equal privileges. Each computer has access to the data of the other device and can share resources such as disk space, applications or peripheral devices (printers, etc.) 1. Today’s networks tend to be a bit more complex and don’t just consist of two computers. Systems with more than ten participants usually use client-server networks. In these networks, a central computer (server) provides resources to the other participants in the network
Quiz In My Eyes

If you are looking for more information on network topologies, you can check out this video by PowerCert Animated Videos. It provides an overview of different network topologies such as star, bus, ring, mesh, ad hoc, infrastructure, and wireless mesh topologies. GeeksforGeeks also has a video that discusses each of these network topologies in detail with their advantages, disadvantages, usage, etc in the practical world.
# my channel quiz in my eyes
#Quiz in my eyes
#quiz in my eyes
#Quiz in my eyes
#quiz in my eyes
#Quiz in my eyes
#osi model


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.