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Virtual Workshop 2021: Session 5 Talk2: Bathymetry and coral/seagrass mapping in Google Earth Engine

This session will showcase supervised classification of benthic habitats using the freely available Google Earth Engine: a powerful cloud computing tool to which holds a multi-petabyte catalogue of satellite imagery ready for rapid analysis. We will cover how to visualise, explore, process and download data within a simple supervised classification using Sentinel 2 imagery. Training and validation data will be created to carry out an accuracy assessment and quantify the performance of the classification.

0:00 Talk Introduction
4:33 Explore Sentinel-2 data
8:11 Median Composite and masking
14:25 GEE script design
17:10 GEE Median Composite
22:03 GEE bathymetry
23:38 GEE classification
30:31 Accuracy statistics and finish

Access to Earth Engine code –

Download GEE Simple Classification User Guide (


atoll logiciel

10 thoughts on “Virtual Workshop 2021: Session 5 Talk2: Bathymetry and coral/seagrass mapping in Google Earth Engine

  • Hi. The GEE link gives an empty script. Is it possible that a new link would be provided?

  • When I visit the google earth engine link attached below the video, there is nothing in the code. Can you give me the link containing the code.

  • Array: Parameter 'values' is required.
    this error has appeared when getting bathymetry

  • Hi Stephen, the GEE link you provided doesn't seem to work, it gives an empty script. Could you provide a new link? Thank you!

  • Sorry, your GEE script link doesn't work, please give another link, thank's

  • I got message "Image.load: Image asset 'users/stcarp/CME_MappingWorkshop/CME_workshop_Belize_landmask' not found."
    How to change users from stcarp to my asset.

  • Can you share the format of the bathymetry points and how you uploaded the same?

  • Your GEE code link does not work. Would you please share the updated link with the full script?

  • If you need to estimate bathymetry using Stumpf or Lyzenga before 2017-03-28 (Level 2A availability). Change lines 35 or 36 to collect level 1C imagery (i.e. var s2Sr = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2');) for the Stumpf and Lyzenga scripts, respectively.

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