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Q33 – How to set IPv6 for an Amazon EC2 Instance? #aws #ipv6 #vpc #instance #dualstack #subnet

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If you have an existing VPC that supports IPv4 only, and resources in your subnet that are configured to use IPv4 only, you can add IPv6 support for your VPC and resources. Your VPC can operate in dual-stack mode — your resources can communicate over IPv4, or IPv6, or both. IPv4 and IPv6 communication are independent of each other.

You cannot disable IPv4 support for your VPC and subnets; this is the default IP addressing system for Amazon VPC and Amazon EC2.

There is no migration path from IPv4-only subnets to IPv6-only subnets.

This example assumes that you have an existing VPC with public and private subnets. For information about creating a new VPC for use with IPv6, see Create a VPC.

Before you begin using IPv6, ensure that you have read the features of IPv6 addressing for Amazon VPC.

Step 1: Associate an IPv6 CIDR block with your VPC and subnets
Step 2: Update your route tables
Step 3: Update your security group rules
Step 4: Assign IPv6 addresses to your instances

IPv6 addresses are globally unique and can be configured to remain private or reachable over the Internet. Your instance receives an IPv6 address if an IPv6 CIDR block is associated with your VPC and subnet, and if one of the following is true:

Your subnet is configured to automatically assign an IPv6 address to an instance during launch.

You assign an IPv6 address to your instance during launch.

You assign an IPv6 address to the primary network interface of your instance after launch.

You assign an IPv6 address to a network interface in the same subnet, and attach the network interface to your instance after launch.




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.