Lava Rises Every Minute!
Today, we’ve gotta hurry! Lava is quickly raising from underground, and it’s only a matter of time before it floods the entire world! We don’t have much time, we have to find a way to escape the raising lava, and fast!
We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!
Maizen Merchandise ►
how to repair windows 7
11:56 12:02
11:56 12:02
ill do one pushups evertime this gets 1 like
And banana kid is smart
banana kid is a hero❤!
Pro maizen
Wait that means the minute is 60 secs
4 days after from being made.
I think banana kid is in creative mod
1:11 cool
Quand aller vous faire des vidéo en Français?
Banana kid be like
I’m prepared to sacrifice my life i would gladly do it 2s
JJ and Mikey be like nooooooo 🥺🥺🥺😢😢
Maizen: We found oil 🛢️
🇺🇲 United States 🇺🇲 : Where
Banana kid always dies
Hey Jay Jay and you tell me if mikey is a boy or a girl????
Mikey JJ me and kid you guys are so good at playing Minecraft. everyone for a banana kid Mikey and JJ please like if you like banana kid and Mikey and JJ
Banana kid its so help full
oh no
Banana kid is a helpful and helping JJ and mikey
Banana kid is a Heroes
Hi jj and mikey nice to meet you🎉🎉🎉
😮 10:21
Most entertaining maizen video ever ❤
Jj make a new video
bro forgot to turn it on