7 thoughts on “( Wow Amazing ) Free internet Version 4G/5G LTE – Get Free Unlimited internet 2019”
I have tried many time but not working. Bullshit it fake
if really work you should first try with out the anthena or cable then attach it then try it then again then pull out again then try it again.thats how it work if really work or not.oh one more thing you must see if there is a sim and close wifi network.
Chutiya bana
Nous preferons la connection en français.
HA.. HA..HA ….You are such a super Liar. its not working at all …ha ha ha.. can u also subcribe my poor funny chanel as well…. ha ha.
I have tried many time but not working. Bullshit it fake
if really work you should first try with out the anthena or cable then attach it then try it then again then pull out again then try it again.thats how it work if really work or not.oh one more thing you must see if there is a sim and close wifi network.
Chutiya bana
Nous preferons la connection en français.
HA.. HA..HA ….You are such a super Liar. its not working at all …ha ha ha.. can u also subcribe my poor funny chanel as well…. ha ha.
Ha ha , it"s fake . These is wifi antenna.