4G LTE Internet on laptop with SIM Card and DW5811e Snapdragon™ X7 LTE Mobile Broadband Card | DELL
How to always have internet directly on your laptop, without access to the fixed internet network, router, wi-fi, mobile hotspot, portable modem, etc… Wireless 5811e LTE Mobile Broadband vă ajută sistemul să se conecteze la Internet folosind rețeaua celulară. DW5811e Snapdragon™ X7 LTE Mobile Broadband Card helps your system to connect to the Internet using cellular network. You just need to install a Sim Card and, in this way, you will have direct internet, all the time on your laptop via the 4G or 3G cellular network.
“Să faci ce-ți place, este libertate.
Să-ți placă ceea ce faci, este fericire.”
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This channel is about me and what I do in my free time … you will discover by watching the videos here, that I have more passions and I like to take care of a lot of things myself … and I undertake many other activities , of various kinds.
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4g lte
Salut. Oare pot monta un astfel de modul pe un laptop business de la Huawei?
I connect mine with the same card and right sim that works in the phone I’m using now but in the pc it just says no wireless mobile broadband networks available.. you think the antennas arent good that plug into the card or just shit service?
so how does that work🙈?
Laptopul, tot ala care il stiu eu este?
Frumos realizat clipul. Imi place muzica si tranzitiile❤. Fain ca ai pus modul GSM si la laptop🎉