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Zimbra 7.1.4 OSE Ubuntu 10.04 With Apache Web Server Installation HD Video Tutorial 1 HR.

1 hour long HD video tutorial on how to set up your own email & web server for Ubuntu 10.04 server.

Ubuntu 10.04 Server –

Zimbra OSE 7.1.4 –

Please post any questions or comments that you have.

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The commands below allow you to change your Zimbra webmail listening ports for HTTP and HTTPS incase ports 443 and 80 are being used by another server of yours.

For example, to change http to 8080 and https to 8443 you would do
su – zimbra
zmprov ms zimbraMailPort 8080
zmprov ms zimbraMailSSLPort 8443
zmcontrol stop ; zmcontrol start


by Toasticuss

linux web server

44 thoughts on “Zimbra 7.1.4 OSE Ubuntu 10.04 With Apache Web Server Installation HD Video Tutorial 1 HR.

  • Hey bro, record only the important window, cause its sooo bad to read what u type.

  • Hey toasticuss, not sure how to private message, don't see the feature any where, on my tube or google, but my skype name is tom.virs

  • Hello, can you help me determine if Zimbra is installed on my system? I am using Ubuntu 14.04 but my mail has been acting up lately keeps asking to verify certificate. And when I press verify the dialog box keeps reappearing. When I click detail it list Zimbra Collaboration suite. So I'm just wondering if someone is spying on me, can you find out who it would be as well? Cause I just google zimbra and see it's for file sharing. If you could help you seem knowledgable on Zimbra.
    Thanks, Tom

  • You absolutely helped me ALOT. Thanks for the vid, I used this on an actual domain with a DNS so I had to modify a couple things, but EXCELLENT vid.

  • goog work thank you for this vidéo .
    i'm steel wondering how can i configure it with internet because i have a domain name for my ip address but how can i configure this domain howeverthe domain you set it is a local domain (192.168.0.x)
    thank you

  • Dependencies on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS are:



  • Thank you for your tip regarding different version of libperl. For Ubuntu 12.04 Server you will need "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential libperl5.14 sysstat sqlite3 bind9"

  • Great video, but if people don't know how to do an install of Ubuntu they don't have any business setting up a Zimbra Server….

  • Thanks for the video. Couldn't have started to use zimbra without it. fyi your virtual machine is faster than my host…envy

  • i tried "apt-get install build-essential libperl5.14 sysstat sqlite3 dnsmasq"
    and it worked for me i hope this is correct..

  • Can you try installing libperl5.10 by itself? Make sure that you aren't mixing up any characters. They can be case sensitive.

    Try doing an apt-get update before installing, maybe a source is out of date.

  • Hi, just wondered if you could help with this message I get after Ubuntu install…

    When I type

    apt-get install build-essential libperl5.10 sysstat sqlite3 dnsmasq

    I get
    unable to locate package libperl5.10 couldn't find any package by regex 'libperl5.10'

    Can you see where I'm going wrong..?


  • Hi,
    I installed Ubuntu 12.04 and trying to install Zimbra 8.
    what is exact command for it of "apt-get install build-essential libperl5.10 sysstat sqlite3 dnsmasq"

    how to download Zimbra 8 on wget command


  • Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Can we run Zimbra behind Google Apps i.e. Primary MX set on Google then download mails using third party software like 'ExchangePop3'.

    We would like to explore more about Zimbra so request to share the materials and Admin sides challenges.

    With Optimism,

  • Sorry I am not in a position to answer all those questions with 100% certainty. DR and HA is experimental with the open source edition. The network edition has the best HA and DR. Zimbra has a built in spam blocker, test it out with a lab server and sign up for spam email lists. It can integrate with AD but I don't know about sharepoint for you. To migrate from exchange you export PSTs and import them into Zimbra. 6 – Ask HP. 7 – It's very easy, just download new version and update.

  • Hi,
    I'm using Exchange 2010 and want to go on Zimbra, I've queries..
    1:-Will be require any SPAM solution / device ?
    2: How to configure DR and HA ?
    3:- Require any private mail relay (SMTP) solution for avoiding IP black listing etc..
    4:- Can it fully integrate with Sharepoint and AD ?
    5: How to do existing mailboxes migration ?
    6: Would like to configure VMware Esxi 5 on HP blades
    7: Upgrades challenges when planning to go next version of Zim. (i.e Exchange 2010 to 13 requires formats at all)

  • What do you use as your current mail server? From a security stand point that all depends on your network and OS security systems. By default Zimbra is very secure, if you're running it on CentOS or Ubuntu, etc, you can setup iptables to block all traffic that isn't email. Any hardware firewalls will prevent further security intrusions. Now a days almost all security breaches are due to user error.

  • sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status

    How many services are running when you run this command as root?

  • It is not mandatory to use the manual LVM group. I used an LVM because it allows me to resize the hard disk while the operating system is running. You can use the guided entire disk option instead if you want. I set mine up so /opt would be on a separate drive so I the OS drive didn't get written to as much and if the main OS failed for some reason I would still have /opt on the other drive away from the OS.

  • You cannot. I had tried last night for a new server and it will failed with a generic error of – zimbra-core……zimbra-core_7.2.0_GA_2669.UBUNTU10_64_amd64.deb…FAILED
    ###ERROR###. It's because Ubuntu 12's perquisites for Zimbra are too new and are not compatible with the Ubuntu 10 packages.

  • You can have as many as you want. There is no limit for the open source edition.

  • As I stated in the video, x32 is not supported for Ubuntu 12. You must use the x64 bit. You're welcome to try Ubuntu 8 with x32 or CentOS 5 as well.

  • hi,
    is this tutorial working with ubuntu 8.04 LTS (32bit) + Zimbra (32 bit)?
    When i try to install Ubuntu x64 on VMware returns to me an error (smth about processor type). However Ubuntu x86 installed w/o any problems, dunno why. I have win7 x64, intel core i5-3210M so where the problem is…

  • @ Toasticuss thank you for good instructions….btw whoever wants to enable Internal Messaging (IM), which I think is a great feature for users to communicate inside Zimbra 7 environment follow step by step instructions below. @Toasticuss do you know if there is a way to enable IM feature in Zimbra8 version. Thank you keep up a good job.

  • To enable for default COS, do command from zimbra user:

    "zmprov mcf zimbraXMPPEnabled TRUE"

    "zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureIMEnabled TRUE"

    "zmprov mc default zimbraFeatureInstantNotify TRUE"

    "zmprov mc default zimbraPrefIMAutoLogin TRUE"

    * please remove quotes from command lines

  • If you want, you can change the SMTP port to something else instead of 25 to get around the block.

  • I turned off the firewall on ubuntu and port 25 is open on my router. So I google searched roadrunner isp blocking port 25 and some people had the same problem. Anyway I was just testing it out for a small project. Thanks for all your help 🙂 Liked and Subscribed.

  • Then your port 25 is not being forwarded and is blocked, thus causing you to be unable to receive mail.

    Try turning off iptables and verify your router is portforwarding correctly.

    To verify its not a problem with Ubuntu, you could DMZ the email server. You should also check to make sure your ISP doesnt block port 25.

  • Thanks for the reply. This is what I am receiving when I try to telnet on port 25 using public ip.
    Trying [Public IP]…
    telnet: connect to address [Public IP]: Connection refused
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

  • Can you try telnetting to port 25 on an external network? Try sending a test message from there.

  • Hi. Thanks for the instructions. I can't receive any email from outside domains. I can send out the email perfectly fine. Can you please check if you can receive emails with your settings? I also used vmware to install zimbra on ubuntu 12.10 and 8.0 zcs. All the ports needed for zimbra on my router are open. I can also access the interface from outside the network.

  • What type of administration are you looking for? Backups? Maintenance? Password changing? Performance reports?

  • 1. Yes you can join your Ubuntu server to an active directory server, you can also integrate Zimbra with AD, google around for joining Ubuntu to a Windows domain along with Zimbra.

    2. You'll still have internet after completeting this tutorial.

    3.A registered domain name is required for using email over the internet, you can get a free domain name from DynDNS or

    4. It's the same.

  • Thank you so much for the video. It really helped me a lot. I am a newbie in Zimbra & I have few doubts:
    1. Can I join the Ubuntu server to Windows active directory (or do I really need to join it with a domain) ?
    2. How do I configure it for Internet?
    3. We don't have a valid domain name, so can I access it using public IP (from Internet) ?
    4. I am planning to use Zimbra 8 and Unbuntu 12.04, Is there any major change in configuration compared to ur config ?
    Thank you.

  • видео нихуя не удобно… где альтернативная печатная версия… ?!?!?!?!?! Пиздец просто бакланы

  • Hello!
    Grate tutorial !!! Perfectly expained, keep the good work!!!

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