Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

24 thoughts on “Linux How To Block IP Addresses Using IPTABLES And IPset

  • hello! I hope I'm not too late for a response but do you know a way that I can block a rather large amount of ip's easily?

  • Works well, but it does not save after reboot… is there a way to save without having to re-enter rules ?

  • I don't know why, but the first method of blocking did Not work (adding via iptables).  It only worked after I created the "blacklist" file and added that file to iptables. You deleted my joke comment. You have no sense of humor.

  • Thank you!!!!!! I've been trying to find blacklist extensions on chrome but you got to pay for them….so i thought why not just do it myself.

  • hello, thank you for all your efforts. I have a qs how can I write a script PHP or a simple script in lunix, where I control the access to the internet, for example, my little brother can connect to youtube in just 3 hours but he can't connect to facbook or watssap etc ? I need your help to finish my project it's about the control parental. thank you

  • great videos but i'm wondering if it is possible to import ipset from text file

  • 10/08/2019 worked on mint cinnamon, but there using new ip address in bulk to spam emails, my block list takes 15min to scroll down now.

  • Thank you for this video. I easily applied it on my Debian system. How is it possible to make all this configuration load at boot time, if for example, I reboot the computer? Thanks!

  • Very well done! Nicely paced with excellent on-screen captions for the commands you are typing. I will continue to google for a few additional things that came to mind while watching this.

    1. Do these survive a reboot?

    2. Can you block a CIDR range or only an IP.

    I realize your video is an introduction, and it accomplishes that *very well*. Nice job!

  • Good video along with proper explanation of configuration files and files .. keep it up

  • Good video along with proper explanation of configuration files and files .. keep it up

  • Good video along with proper explanation of configuration files and files .. keep it up

  • Thanks for the tips and tutorial on the specifics using iptables, ipset.

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