No NetWork,WiFi Connection Windows 10,The Ethernet Adapter is not Working Properly Fixed
The “Ethernet” is experiencing driver or hardware-related problems. If you’re connected to a hotspot or domain network, contact the network administrator. Otherwise: 1. … Repair option: Resetting your wireless network adapter This will disable and then enable the network adapter “WiFi” on this computer.
No NetWork,WiFi Connection Windows 10, The Ethernet Adapter is not Working Properly Fixed
Restart Wireless NIC in BIOS
This one won’t be possible for everyone, as different motherboard manufacturers have different options available in the BIOS, but it’s worth a try.
To enter your BIOS, repeatedly press either the Del, F8, F10, or F2 key (this may vary) as your PC is booting. If Windows starts up, you’ve done it wrong and need to reboot and try again.
Once you’re in the BIOS, look for a menu called something like “Power Management,” under which you should find an option called Wireless, Wireless LAN or similar. Disable this, reboot your PC, then enter the BIOS again and re-enable it.
The no-WiFi issue on Windows is a multi-headed beast that can be hard to pin down, but if the problem does indeed stem from the software or drivers on your PC (and not, say, a dying Wi-Fi adapter or router issue), then the above fixes should be enough to help you.
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