Buildroot vs Yocto: Differences for Your Daily Job – Luca Ceresoli, AIM Sportline

Buildroot vs Yocto: Differences for Your Daily Job – Luca Ceresoli, AIM Sportline

Buildroot and Yocto, the two leading embedded Linux buildsystems, have largely overlapping goals but vastly different implementations.

Perhaps you’re familiar with either, and wonder how your daily job would change if you used the other.

Luca will share insights he gained while managing projects with both tools, spending a lot of time in learning how to achieve the same goals in a different way.

He will give a sort of “translation table” to ease the transition between the two, covering: bootstrapping a project, what happens under the hood, invoking the build, customizing the rootfs and tweaking recipes.

About Luca Ceresoli
Luca Ceresoli is an Embedded Linux Engineer at AIM Sportline. He designed several embedded Linux products from the ground up, mostly hacking around bootloader, kernel, device drivers, system programming, build system and FPGA.
He contributes to a few open-source projects, including the Linux kernel and Buildroot. He has been a speaker at ELC-E and FOSDEM.


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