Fastest Way to Learn ANY Programming Language: 80-20 rule

1. Top programming Languages.
2. How to learn coding?
3. How to learn Python, Javascript or Java?
3. How to become a Software Engineer?

I will answer all these questions in this video.

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by Sahil & Sarra

linux foundation

40 thoughts on “Fastest Way to Learn ANY Programming Language: 80-20 rule

  • Assalamualaikum Brother… is non it person can learn this? If possible pls can u teach me?

  • Why are you trying to be funny with a serious face.

  • 00:05 Learning any programming language fast using 80-20 rule
    01:11 Basic English, with only 850 words, was used to teach non-native speakers English with simplified grammar rules.
    02:27 Pareto principle: 20% effort, 80% outcome
    03:30 Focus on the inner 20% circle when learning a new programming language.
    04:27 Interactive learning is key to mastering a new programming language.
    05:33 Understanding the Ebbinghaus Forgetting curve is crucial to learning effectively.
    06:30 Spaced repetition is key to learning any new language or concept.
    07:28 Building projects helps in learning programming

    if this video was to be summarized

  • You voice is mellifluous. I want you to read me bedtime stories. And I'm a 37 year old man. Also, the information was valuable and I will definitely take it into account and move to the next languages faster, as well as expand on the projects I've been doing. Thank you.

  • cut the crap and come to the point why tf are you going thousands of years back when i am living in the present and seeking ur wisdom of the present

  • What a lun some people are here with negative comments lowlife thugs 👍

  • 3:07 Je confirme, votre accent est marrant! Mais on vous comprend bien.
    Je pense que depuis la sortie de la vidéo vous avez fait beaucoup de progrès!

  • Me studying programming languages 🚫
    Me watching videos on how to learn programming languages ✔

  • You were able to it cause you're exaggerator and content creator. You may be a lier.
    And python sucks, so does Amazon

  • I just want to know why all this tech YouTubers have to flex their job history

  • Can someone please advise where can i find Python projects to practice?
    Like is there a website as such where i can work and practice Python projects?

  • I have started my internship two days ago and have to work in php and laravel, but in my entire life I have being coding with Python (have used php and java in my academics but now I can't remember a thing in php) is there any recommendations of sources for me to learn basics of php ?

    This time I am not gonna forget all the thing I've learnt as I did before in my exams. I am gonma follow the mentioned reviewing method in the video.

  • This got me nuts, I think it's better to follow some practical approach then to watch a motivational video. that mostly speaker are business these days. thanks man

  • Thanks brother, I saved this on my life lessons playlist.

  • i know javascript . how i start webdevelopment . also i know node js . but i dont know how to create a website . i have taken a template for frontend . but i dont get any guide for backend . can you give any idea for start webdevelopment

  • "You don't know everything about the language that you speak – and you're doing just fine." Oh wow, this sentence really hit my toxic perfectionism trait, thank you for that!

  • Hello,My English is bad,i cannot understand wholy the meaning of the video. I think it tells us we had better study a new language by starting with a project instead of simply the concept of language.Could i mean the video?

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