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Steve Jobs Insult Response – Highest Quality

Steve Jobs handling a tough question at the 1997 Worldwide Developer Conference. He had just returned to Apple as an advisor and was guiding sweeping change at the company. The full video is here – – this interactions is at 50:25.


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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

33 thoughts on “Steve Jobs Insult Response – Highest Quality

  • I wish he was still with us, not those nowadays CEOs 😕

  • Jobs was such an arrogant putz. He refused regular medical treatment for his cancer, preferring "alternative medicine" because he thought that he was smarter than his doctors. Didn't work out so well. I don't usually indulge in schadenfreude, but sometimes it's warranted.

  • Wish this man was still alive. We could all learn from him.

  • Rest in peace, What a load of bullshit he delivered in just 4 minutes.

  • Why people continue to idolize this guy is beyond me. He is a man how would not own up to his family responsibilities as a husband and father, he would not even acknowledge his own daughter. So what if he created a cell phone or a computer. He is not the definition of a man who took responsibility for his family.

  • Apple back then: What do our customers want? Yeah lets create something they want…

    Apple now: Hmm… how do we create the most possible revenue each year? Ahh yes lets re-develope our latest Iphone and add a camera to it in order to call it NEW and add a "pro" to the name, or lets make them foldable so the screen is breaking faster and they need to buy new Iphones sooner…

    Yeah I'm not an Apple fan if you haven't noticed by now. The only product of them that I have a slightly positive opinion on are their macbooks the rest I really don't like, maybe the watched can be good too but A: I find it to expensive to buy
    B: as far as I know they consume power charge very quickly

  • Knowing what Jobs was ACTUALLY like beyond the stage…

    The original question asker was such an amazing guy

  • Why are people this pissy? Ask the same question politely and nobody looks bad, Jobs clearly knows the answer

  • And this is how CEOs continue to rip off their main production workers. Jobs didn't program hardly shit. Wozniack's software carried this.

    Just because someone can adequately deflect does not change the functional truth. These liars only care about selling more. Profiting more. Nothing else. Not product viability, not continued support or value. He says his team is burning the midnight oil, but HE is the man that screamed at them, bullied them, and undermined them into making his 'vision'.

    Idea guys aren't worth shit. It's the people who make it that matter

  • Both Java and Apple are great still today. However when we wanna offer customers a nice user experience, we got to have some technology to make it happen.

  • The Value is Inside the UX, And the Idea is inside the Technology; Jobs Says.

    I personally views apple as Art company, rather than Technology Company, and that's right! Basically They are and What it is, and that's What the Apple's Value and Idea Come and Came From.

  • Yep – 💯! UX design and research are very important before we strategize the technology! Another aspect UX research will help is to narrow down the MVP scopes for each release with potential upgrades plans in pipelines. Quarterly KPI will help a lot as well to mitigate risks!

  • How is this an insult response? He got insulted and then answered very nicely

  • It’s like the opposite of Elon Musk’s approach.

  • "We gotta start with what the customer experience then work backwards to-" 80 dollar cord

  • I've only watched half of this video and I totally understand what Steve Jobs is saying here. Further he had his idea hijack by Bill Gates because of illegal loophole

  • Why do people idolize a man who knew nothing of his work? He was so charismatic that everyone believed he was brilliant, but he did Jack shit for helping to innovate technology. He was a spokesperson – that’s it.

  • Jobs just watched Star Trek then demanded engineers to make it happen. He wasn’t even the originator of the ideas.

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