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Where PHP Stores Error Logs: PHP 5, Apache, FastCGI, and cPanel

Summary: Learn where PHP stores error logs in different environments, including PHP 5, Apache, FastCGI, and cPanel, to efficiently troubleshoot issues in your web applications.

When developing and maintaining web applications, it’s essential to understand where PHP stores error logs. These logs provide valuable insights for debugging and resolving issues. This post explores where PHP error logs are stored across different environments: PHP 5, Apache, FastCGI, and cPanel.

PHP Error Logging Configuration

PHP error logging can be configured through the php.ini file, the main configuration file for PHP. Key directives that control error logging include:

error_log: Specifies the file where PHP errors should be logged.

log_errors: Enables or disables error logging.

Default Locations for PHP Error Logs


In PHP 5, the error log location can vary based on the server configuration. By default, if no custom error_log path is specified, errors are logged to the server’s log (e.g., Apache’s error log).

To set a custom error log file, you can modify the php.ini file:

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When running PHP with Apache, error logs are typically stored in Apache’s error log file. The location of Apache’s error log file can vary based on the operating system and Apache configuration, but common locations include:

On Linux: /var/log/apache2/error.log

On CentOS/RedHat: /var/log/httpd/error_log

On Windows: C:Program FilesApache GroupApache2logserror.log

Apache can also be configured to log PHP errors to a specific file using the php_value directive in .htaccess or within the Apache configuration files:

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When PHP is run with FastCGI, error logs are managed by the FastCGI process manager. Depending on the server setup, PHP error logs may be directed to:

The global web server error log.

A specific file defined in the php.ini configuration.

Logs managed by the FastCGI process manager, like php-fpm.

For PHP-FPM, the configuration is found in the php-fpm.conf or pool configuration files (e.g., /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf):

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In cPanel environments, PHP error logs can typically be accessed through the cPanel interface. cPanel organizes error logs for each domain, and the default log location might be:


Users can view these logs directly from the cPanel dashboard under the “Errors” section or by accessing the file via FTP or the File Manager.

Additionally, users can specify custom error log paths in their php.ini or .htaccess files within their cPanel-managed hosting environment.


Understanding where PHP stores its error logs is crucial for effective debugging and maintenance of web applications. The location varies based on the server setup and configurations, but generally, you can control it through the php.ini file, Apache directives, or FastCGI configuration. In managed environments like cPanel, logs are usually accessible through the control panel interface, making it easier for users to manage their web applications.


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