Installing And Configuring ToR with Proxychains on Kali Linux + Usage Examples
A Quick Vid Episode where I show you how to install ToR Proxy and Configure proxychains to work with it to tunnel all of your traffic through a socks proxy and prevent DNS leaks! Total Anonymity! Use it with nmap , Browsers, and more! Links Below:
Blog: Blog:
DNS Leak Test
by NetSecNow
linux dns configuration
So if you do the command 'proxychains firefox' will it be anonymous throughout the time the browser is open and no matter how many tabs you open?
Install tor (eg debian: sudo apt-get install tor)
Install proxychains (eg debian: sudo apt-get install proxychains)
sudo nano /etc/proxychains.conf comment line strict_chain and uncomment line dynamic_chain. Add this to the end of file: socks5 9050 and save it.
Start tor service (eg systemctl: sudo systemctl start tor)
Enable tor service on boot (eg systemctl: sudo systemctl enable tor)
Start any application with proxychains. For example proxychains firefox and then go to URL Your IP should me mascarade.
Iceweasel not found?
I've been facing this prob for like a whole month already I have NOT found a single solution. It tells me service command is not found when i clearly look at "man service" tells me that it is but still not letting me use it
E: Package 'tor' has no installation candidate that is what i get
If I type apt-get install tor it say package tor has no installation candidate what to do please tell me
Thank you so much ! So clear ! I did change the ip 50 times to be sure it works ! Lol but I can’t get Firefox to reach .onion if proxychains firefox https://*************.onion 😭 error I get is : The proxy server is refusing connections
Procychains works with the classic web..
Please help 🙏🙏🙏😊💻
tor.service – LSB: Starts The Onion Router daemon processes
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/tor; generated)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Jul 10 00:59:55 kali systemd[1]: Starting Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (m
Jul 10 00:59:55 kali systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (mu
Jul 10 03:20:49 kali systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: Starts The Onion Router daemon pr
Jul 10 03:20:49 kali tor[17238]: Stopping tor daemon…done (not running – there
Jul 10 03:20:49 kali systemd[1]: tor.service: Succeeded.
Jul 10 03:20:49 kali systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: Starts The Onion Router daemon pro
fix bro
Did you ever write up that script to change ip addresses quicker
I installed TOR and it working successfully….But why "service tor start" not working???
Package iceweasel is not available…. is only available from another source.
Any suggestions?
when i tried to open ipchicken with firefox it just said in the web browser that it cannot find the server. it only works when i open it in a web browser that i already have open and then my ip address doesn't change
Become anonymous while using metasploit.
Having private access internet VPN seems to block me somehow with the proxy set up. Do you have any idea how to turn around this or if they actually work both on
So how to be anonymous while using metasploit??
E: Package 'tor' has no installation candidate
excellent vid & guide, this linux semi-noob figured it out instantly, much thanks 😉
It says "package tor not available"
How to fix Anonsurf internet connecting problem in parrot os or kalilinux>>>
Ive tried literally everything. My conmection keeps timing out or failing even if i use the regular tor IP. What should i do?
apt-get install tor
is not working.
Please help.
can i use tor for blocked websites..and what if i shutdown and restart the system do i wanna configure tor again..?? does it start automatically..?? and whats the time limit for tor connection.?
-T4 is not anonymous, -sT yes
how to slove this
root@vampire:/etc# proxychains iceweasel
ProxyChains-3.1 (
/usr/bin/proxychains: 9: exec: iceweasel: not found
There is only one thing wrong in this video and that is you said you are 'completely hidden' This is wrong. No matter how hard you try to mask your IP, you are always traceable back to your computer.
Your average hacker or pen tester might not be able to trace you but authorities like the police, NSA and GCHQ have the software and have access to your records from your ISP which the public don't have access to so think about what you're doing if it's illegal. Is capable of telling you your browser and OS if you're running through proxies and TOR. Besides TOR isn't even that secure anyway and authorities sometimes set up their own TOR nodes to catch illegal activity online. Basically every TOR node is able to see all the traffic running through it so everything you search up like 'drugs' for example, will be visible to the node. This is 1 way authroities catch people out
It's not working my ip address is not changing how many times i tried to change…..with your method of editing out the proxychains.conf
after insert u press esc where to write :wq?
Were is the file that starts tor automatically
Tnx for this freat video, i have one question… if i got it well … if we follow step by step here we will use only tor client without starting tor server?
Is there a way to fix the dsn leak please?
Wait…. You have a voice and know how to use your mic… what.. Thanks for actually giving instructions and not having me spend 5 minutes for you to type a sentence. Your video was informative, straight to the point and worked like a charm.. I found your explanations easy to understand and you made this about as simple as it can get. PROPS I am now a new subscriber to your channel…
How do you fix DNS leaks? In windows you can just do ipconfig/flush dns, but how do you do that in Linux or how do you use privoxy (not sure how it's spelled)?
getting same error running proxychains with my tor browser insted of firefox i get error read configuration "/etc/tor/torrc" failing.
please help
bro i had followed everystep and it still leaks my dns and after going to ip chicken still has my actual ip whats wrong is it tor i ran tor and even restarted tor service and still the same . I can only hide my ip if i use the tor browser
i need your help ! how to fix this error? i get it after i run "service tor status"
tor.service – Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master)
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/tor.service; disabled; vendor preset: dis
Active: active (exited) since Thu 2016-12-22 17:05:40 +0530; 42min ago
Process: 2833 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 2833 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 0 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/tor.service
Hi! first of all thanks for the tutorial!! But how can i port forward when using this? Thanks!
Not working
it doesn't work with firefox to me
Hey I'm having issues with my proxy chains timing out… any solutions?
the proxychains only says timeout and denied, it doesnt load, help please
( E : package tor has no installation candidate ) any body can solve this issue?
i have the error on tor that says time zone is 3 hours 4 minutes behind (23:00:00 UTC) i changed the timezone and rebooted 5 times to no avail even though my local and universal time is UTC which is what it asks for
thank you very and very much
thank you
for some reason i can't uncomment options in the proxychains.conf ui… any idea?
it says i need an update but when i check for one there is nothing to update????
Hi from Scotland. Just a quick question. I see a lot of videos saying download but you don't, have you downloaded already ? Also as your not using tor browser are you starting this process in terminal each time and leaving running ? Thanks
Question :when i type ' service tor start ' i have an error. "Failed to start tor.service: Unit tor.service failed to load: No such file or directory."