Red Alert 2: The Faces of War XXV | 1 vs 7 Brutal AI | Superweapons [On]

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 is a real-time strategy video game that was released for Microsoft Windows on October 25, 2000, as the follow-up to Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Red Alert 2 picks up at the conclusion of the Allied campaign of the first game. Its expansion pack is Command & Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge, released a year later in 2001.

The main objective of the game is to defeat enemy commanders, played by AI or human opponents, by destroying their bases to the point of enemy capitulation. Players must also work to defend their own bases to maintain their ability to collect money and produce units, both of which are essential in achieving the main objective. Once all enemy commanders have been defeated, a winner is declared.

For other Red Alert 2 Yuri’s Revenge video:

For Extra Hard AI gameplay:

If you like to watch other games like Heroes of Might and Magic IV:

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Special thanks to Bank of Maps for RA2 and YR for the map link. You may check their page for other maps and/or to show your love and support.

For the specific map for this game here’s a link to their google drive:

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