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[Minecraft 1.16.3] How to Play Minecraft With Friends on PC

In this video, I explain how to play Minecraft with friends on a PC (Windows) by using a plan server. Thanks for watching!

There are two ways to play Minecraft with your friends shown in this video. The first, is to look under the Multiplayer tab, and you might be able to see your friend’s local Minecraft world, using a LAN connection. If this way works, that is awesome! It is very simple and easy.

The other way to be able to play Minecraft with friends is to, once again under the Multiplayer tab, chose direct connect. You will need to have opened the game you want your friends to join to Lan, by choosing the “Open to LAN” button in the pause menu. Next put in your IPV4 Address, which can be found in the terminal by typing in “ipconfig” followed by a colon, and the number that you received when you selected “Open to LAN”. Then click “Join”, and you will now be playing in your friend’s Minecraft world with them!

**This process works for all versions of Minecraft, and will most likely not change in future versions of Minecraft.

Have fun playing Minecraft with friends using your PC or Windows 10 (ten) computer!




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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