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Malicious bullying won't be tolerated 46 ip address reported

Hello everyone welcome to my channel Matthewflawless due to a recent outbreak of malicious youtube attacks I have forwarded 46 ip address onto my legal team that are doing further investigations.

This is my youtube channel and not urs if u don’t like me or my content simply don’t watch it I’ve removed all of the ccommet sections on videos that are attracting problems mainly most of my dance vids strange that being said but sometimes that’s bully’s for u innit.

Be respectful towards me and my channel I’m a very nice lad and was originally born and raised in a small rough town Belton originally then I moved to great Yarmouth people don’t know half of what I’ve been through in my life as a gay man despite other negative views some people may have of me I’m wiling to speak to people to resolve any issues they may have with me.

Thanks for supporting me and my platform see u in the nextone guys Matthewflawless


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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