A First Look At Ubuntu Unity 22.04 (Yes, Unity Lives!)

Even though I’ve never been a “desktop environment” user, I’m often asked which desktop environment is my favorite? Well, if I had to choose one that I thought fit my workflow the best, it would be the old Unity Desktop. And despite Ubuntu dropping Unity a few years ago, Unity still sees some development. And there is even an Ubuntu Unity flavor. Let’s take a look!

► https://ubuntuunity.org/

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33 thoughts on “A First Look At Ubuntu Unity 22.04 (Yes, Unity Lives!)

  • Since most languages are LTR, having it on the left makes sense, though it'd be interesting if you could set it to the right for RTL languages users.
    It's just the linguist in me that notices that little caveat about language writing directions.

  • i dropped ubuntu as soon as canonical dropped unity, gnome 3 was total crap back then, tempted to give myself another try

  • Unity Tweak Tool isn`t working on this review cause VMware accelerate 3D GRAPHICS is ON.I switched it OFF, tested it, and now is working flawlessly!

  • I get why Htop and Vim should be installed. But I don't think the average Ubuntu user would require git installed by default.

  • Hi Dt how this music, video, and photos works it doesn't work on mine?

  • Wow, it exists and it's usable! Gotta definately swith to this lavour rigth straight from the original Ubuntu. Thanx for comprehensive review.

  • I don't know why you guys always test distros in VM, its not the most honest test. In VM I always seem to get a hiccups.

  • I myself loved Unity and my wife cut her teeth with Linux on Ubuntu with Unity. While she remained on Ubuntu with the change to Gnome, I switched away as there was so much missing compared to Unity. I'm loving this new Ubuntu Unity distro so far.

  • Its been accepted as an official Ubuntu Flavour beginning with 22.10. That means in October!

  • There are several problems with Ubuntu or Canonical.

    One of many problems is they do not work well with others. Rather than working with Gnome they insist on rolling their own . Many developers in the larger Linux community have voiced these concerns from day 1 when Mark forked from Debian.

    The problem comes that they simply do not have the resources to go at it alone and then their pet projects go unsupported.

    Ubuntu touch, upstart, MIR to name a few.

    At the end of the day I believe they would do better if they were more willing to work with others.

  • I didn't realize how much sense Unity makes in terms of UX, thanks for explaining this.

    However, I don't easily get used to a left-side launcher, so I move it to the bottom, although I won't deny it's probably because of having been brainwashed by Microsoft since school.

  • Today I made a non-VM install of Ubuntu Unity 22.04.1.

    The "Launcher" section of the Unity Tweak Tool works fine, except icons turn black if you toggle "Colour" to "Custom" then back to "Based on wallpaper".

    I did not test the Software Center though.

    Although I use htop/vim/git, I disagree about installing those by default, on the contrary, most DESKTOP users don't need CLI apps, much less developer-specific apps.

    When testing in VM (VirtualBox), I also noticed that transparency doesn't work, although it works outside a VM.

  • Many thanks to the person that is continuing this project!

  • Unity has a lot of awesome features. I hope this project will continue!

  • locally integrated menus is the best of both worlds, even KDE devs started to re-create it.

  • That's the Adwaita icon for the Gnome Software

  • Bro, the sources for all apps in the Store are at the very top of the window on the right – hand side. Threre is a drop-down menu.

  • Ubuntu needs to bring back Unity. Gnome is a disaster. We bet on the wrong horse.

  • First Linux I ever installed bare metal was Unity-era Ubuntu. Then systemd-logind killed itself which took the whole system with it.

  • I've never used Unity before, my first version of Ubuntu I ever tried out was Ubuntu MATE 20.04 on a Raspberry Pi 3B. Over time I moved to vanilla Ubuntu. So far, Ubuntu 22.04 remains as my favorite operating system.

  • Been a Plasma guy forever, but I ran Unity at work for a while back in the day. The web searching crap in the menu was bullshit, and the backlash against it justified. But it was a great desktop for daily use. I loved the menu search functionality.

  • I don't like it, and I hate the "global menubar" thing. I get the arguments for it, or at least the argument about saving space on screen is something that always gets my attention – but in this case I feel that the cons outweigh the pros in this case. Especially with windows that aren't maximized it feels the opposite of intuitive, I'm always looking the menu from wrong place and it has no visual connection to the window. And if I'm using a mouse with the application, in case of un-maximized windows it increases the distance I have to move the cursor. These might sound like relatively minor grievances, even silly ones, to some – and maybe some people would argue that it's just a matter of getting used to it.
    Maybe I would, but I used Unity on my desktop PC for couple years (because lazy reasons and it was installed by default – also had Ubuntu, which I would've not chosen but got it readily installed from recycling center) and still didn't like it.

    But before anyone gets all worked out and starts to write a rant why I just don't understand why it's so good – I'm not arguing that it's objectively bad or that something else is objectively better. This is why we have choices.

  • The developer of Ubuntu unity is a 12 year old Indian kid….and I am still writing "hello world"

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