A Glimpse into Vertical Blue, the Freediving Competition in the Bahamas. Ep. 174.5
Part II of our trip to Deans Blue Hole in the Bahamas for the freediving competition, Vertical Blue. We’re thrilled to have had the opportunity to checkout what goes on here each year and to become a part of this little freediving community for some time. They’re an interesting bunch of humans. Especially Adam and Erin, be sure to checkout their channel for more adventure and freediving tips! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzVy7DiPyVvfiOvXF_XMs4Q
Song Credits:
00:16 Shivas Eyes – Jason Lyle – https://theresistancesoundlaboratory.bandcamp.com
04:29 Mad World – Jon Tessier – https://www.jontessier.com
10:59 Airline Food – Time of Our Lives – https://airlinefood.bandcamp.com/
Videos made by Elayna, starring Riley!!
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What cameras do we use?
BIG CAMERA: http://amzn.to/1t6fAfY
OTHER BIG CAMERA: http://amzn.to/2rybQE2
HANDY CAM: http://amzn.to/25KvT0x
GOPRO: http://amzn.to/1t6haPc
DRONE: http://amzn.to/2ooXPLs
SELFIE STICK: http://bit.ly/Spivostick
What software do we use?
Premiere Pro
Predict Wind http://bit.ly/PredictWindNZ
atoll logiciel