A Look At Ubuntu Cinnamon 24.04 (Is This The Linux Mint Killer?)

Ubuntu Cinnamon is a community-driven flavor of Ubuntu, combining Linux Mint’s flagship Cinnamon Desktop with Ubuntu, packed with everything you need to go with it. Keeping stability, speed, and elegance is our top priority.

► https://ubuntucinnamon.org/

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25 thoughts on “A Look At Ubuntu Cinnamon 24.04 (Is This The Linux Mint Killer?)

  • The ultimate test is when an installation is finished and it's time to reboot, while i actually top it with YUMi-exFAT compatibility, 'cause i really got tired of flashing a USB drive just to try the next flavour while there's 2 dozen more awaiting… Ubuntu is supposed to be "certified" at Dell so guess which one saved the day! No, not Ubuntu last time i tried and that was my 1st option. WUbuntu that pretends to look like it but falls short has failed too, of course… Shame! I was hoping to trick Windows users with it, maybe later!

    Previously on another machine i found out that MX23 passed, but not anymore. Same with Mint, then i tried its Debian variant LMDE, which actually found the other failed Linux installs and integrated them besides Win11 to its SecureBoot-enabled GrUB2 menu: glory hour!! Then this Windows machine took its revenge as WiFi that works normally with it emerged as the next Linux to-do thing (so far…), not to mention premium features as mirroring to a smart TV screen remain exclusive to Microsoft/Dell domination that keep pushing bloatware after i removed it, sending my data to a cloud, whatever.

    So in short it's validating my usual Linux slogan: « Fix once, break many ». One flavour does the boot handling fine, another manages hardware drivers better, or pick font sizes that make sens on a tiny portable display… Etc., etc. Each time one fresh release came out i had to find some USB thumbdrive ready to sacrifice, facing the odds again and again with marginal success. So…

    Of course i'll check this one too except these days i no longer have enough tolerance to use anything else than a multi-boot system and right now that's YUMi trying to support people who got fed up like me, attempting to do the work of a machine setting up a machine – which is a carricature of ridicule if one thinks of it, just because , i duno… Spaghetti coding is lazy, improperly tested scripts are lame, etc. Life's too short to bother anyway, someday i might finally satisfy booting from read-only « live » ISO images!

  • The theming is very inconsistent. Firefox is white, calculator is. I hate that. If you're using a dark theme everything should open with the dark theme. 24.04 is a buggy mess. Better wait for the point release.

  • As much as I like Linux mint, I must say they can learn a thing or two about theming from the guys at Ubuntu because the default look of mint is just horrible compared to this. Mint is still better but man this looks beautiful

  • if ubuntu would've bene based on Debian Testing, at least, it wouldn't be so buggy

  • HTop is EoL. Distros are doing the right thing to not include it (if they choose not to). There are other fetch scripts including HTop clones that are actively supported.

  • Rhythmbox and Videos also break Cinnamon on VirtualBox, but they work correctly on VMware.

  • Ubuntu is like a tempered glass on your precious AMOLED screen or you can choose to use your vulnerable precious screen without a tempered glass it's a matter of choice. I use Ubuntu Gnome but I use flatpaks and had a minimal installation so that I can personalize it my way and there's a reason why all this bunch of little smart OS's are based on Ubuntu.

  • Sorry to double post but I can confirm the rhythm box error after it's installed both in a virtualbox and on real hardware (Asus laptop), the same identical error message DT got. It works fine if just using the guest iso without installing it though.

  • I have the problem (process:9917):libsoup-ERROR **: 22:12:25.668: libsoup2 symbols detected. Using libsoup2 and libsoup3 in the same process is not supported. Trace/breakpoint trap(core dumped)

    This occurs when I write "gnome-control-center" to terminal. I can't open settings, I can't connect to my Ethernet. Cannot use WI-FI. I'm hopeless, please someone help me. I've tried to remove libsoup3.0-0 and libsoup3.0-common, but that didn't help me.
    Appreciate any help.

  • Sorry to Upset Yout,but not on this Time,Linux MInt is Lightyears Ahead from Canonical,as they consider a a Partnership,when this Ends,Debian will still there,the power of the Swirl.

  • Fedora with KDE works fine for me. Tried Ubuntu Cinnamon, seemed real laggy to me.

  • I recommend installing regular Ubuntu and manually installing cinnamon afterwards. (Or use Mint or some other distro with cinnamon)
    Ubuntu cinnamon looks like it’s not maintained very well.

  • I wouldnt say killer if what lm 22 gonna feature is happening

  • no version of Ubuntu ever works out of the box flawless on my hardware. I keep trying to like Ubuntu, but … I will stick to Mint, thank you very much.

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